Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 22:06:06 EDT 2002 | scottxiao
I encounter the problem, it is easy for pad(copper) to drop off from the PCB, which is Ni/Au finish. so my question is whether there is any specification about the force between pad and laminate material, and does the PCB corpoartion test this parame
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 20:04:03 EDT 2002 | scottxiao
Thank you very much!
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 13:45:29 EDT 2002 | genny
When the pad comes off, is it leaving behind a "black" area? Your board may be suffering from black pad - a condition that occasionally affects ENIG finish boards. It is a process control issue with your board fabricator. The nickel is oxidising b
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 03:15:22 EDT 2002 | Paul
I've seen a problem recently where there was 2 deposits of Nickle then Gold, The problem is the Nickle will not adhere to Nickle, see if you can scrape the pad away with a scalpel.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 04:49:34 EDT 2002 | scottxiao
according to the ressult of cross-section and removing the component, I find there is no black area in the left pad, and the IMC is also normal, so the black nickle is less impossible. the PCB material is not common FR4, just some thing like ceramic,
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 08:13:29 EDT 2002 | davef
Don't sound proper. There is no specification. Pad peel strength test methods are: * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.21 for multiple solderings * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.8 for copper peel with a Instron machine. Typical requirement for Cu is: 6 lbf/in [1
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 13:42:57 EST 2000 | Mike Ihm
The dielectic absorption characteristic of printed circuit board materials is usually not listed on the manufacturers spec. sheets. Can anyone point me in a direction to help determine which laminate materials might exhibit better dielectric absorpt
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 18:14:13 EDT 2007 | swag
We had the same trouble. We baked our boards out but the delamination continued very random. One board would be fine and the next was a nasty explosion of delam. Switched material - no problems since. I never found out the technical reason behind
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 01 01:08:43 EDT 2011 | boardhouse
Hi Aj, for the most part we have gotten away from calling out specific material and instead calling out IPC4101 back slashes to needed requirements. But if you are just looking for what most domestic shops have switch to you would be looking at 370
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 01:02:36 EST 2010 | sparrow
Hello, our products are made on single-sided boards and we often have problems with receiving too warped PCBs from our suppliers. Can anybody suggest a good laminate or the most important properties of the material so we could specify it when we orde