Electronics Forum: laser 1550 nm (Page 1 of 1)

laser soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 19:41:53 EST 2007 | g2garyg2

Well, there seems to be many opinions, many of which could be correct, however... With the proper laser they can be quite good for soldering. Here are a few guidelines I would like to suggest. 1) Have your product soldered first (by the vendor) 2) T

Added capibilites going from 7w to 20w, 355nm YAG laser

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 08:47:18 EST 2014 | cloughley

What are the added capabilites going from 7w to 20w, 355nm YAG laser I wanted to know what the added capabilities we now have are going from a 7w to 20w, 355nm YAG laser. Currently we support the following materials: http://www.bestlaser.net/mater

Problems with TI DSP modules

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 16:48:29 EDT 2001 | Cemal Basaran

We can inspect and measure strain field in anything larger than 320nm with Laser techniques we have. We can do this measurements during fatigue testing. Of course thick intermetallic region as a solid region is a problem due to the fact that you ha


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