Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 15:50:08 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils
Operator error?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 12 11:11:25 EDT 2004 | Stefan
For laser marking you don�t require as powerful lasers then for cutting. A 20 Watt laser diode does already a good job. Because of the safety requirements the laser operates in an enclosure, which means more $$$ if you want to use the laser in line
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 09:50:40 EST 2004 | cedams
Yup. It was definitely checking the fiducials as well as the block skip marks and it used to work pretty well. What it did was started at the center of where the fiducial should be and scanned left. When it found a change in contrast it scanned righ
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 09:11:19 EDT 2012 | davef
I though this was a good article on picking a part numbering scheme and since you weren't getting any takes figured I throw this out there and maybe get a conversation going. Part number system: How to get started Filed under: Item and File Man
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 22:32:28 EDT 2016 | stevedc
So, I haven't used my Quad 4C for a while and when I started everything back up to run a new board it appears that the Quad align is in need of calibration. When I pick up a component and do an LAE measurement on it it shows the part center location
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 15:23:12 EST 2007 | bvdb
The IP-1 vision error is" "Processing Error" er 401F 4003 which the FIP-I Operating Manual says the cause is "The actual number of leads on the part exceeds the number of leads in the Part Data". I have checked and re-checked the part data, lead
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 17:00:37 EST 2007 | bvdb
Hi Jerry, Thanks for coming to my aid again. I have tried your settings of 10% for Lead check and pitch limit but still rejects the part. The vision image looks clean on the display. On one of the last trials I noticed that the part was picked up
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 15:45:21 EDT 2016 | claudea2
Thanks Bob, I will change the z-rod just to make sure. It is a tall part read at 180. The nozzle height bugs me because we have 3 machines and the first one has a nozzle height of 238 while the 2 others around 200. I am thinking this parameter may ad
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 02:29:22 EST 2001 | Cosine Theta
Barcode needs a light colour backgroup so that the scanner can read. No way you can mark on the solder mask and become readable. I found most of the time the investment cannot be paid back within 5 years. Most of the time it is product requirement th
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 04:39:27 EDT 2012 | andrzej
Have you got some experience with using laser (CO2 or fiber one) to label with barcode your PCBs ? So far I thought it is easy process but now we do tests with many PCBs covered with diffrent soldermasks and fiber laser as well as CO2 has same probl