Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 11:01:05 EST 2007 | dstevenson
Is anyone using a laser to selectively solder components to a board? I'm just starting to research selective soldering methods for the company i work for as we're looking to replace our current hand soldering processes for lead- and lead free- produ
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 23 18:19:30 EST 2007 | g2garyg2
Yes, PROMATION has customer's using laser to solder PCBs. This is too broad of a forum to discuss openly so please feel free to write me at: Gary_Goldberg@pro-mation-inc.com Perhaps I can assist Gary
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 26 09:45:46 EST 2007 | jseagle
My advice is the technology is not there unless your boards have been designed for laser soldering. Even then there are too many limitations to go into it. We tried a unit for almost a year and were never able to get consistent, not even going to m
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 26 15:15:05 EST 2007 | realchunks
I agree with James. Granted there are a variety of lasers to try, we too could not get a consistent power setting. Plus when paste turns liquid, you get some reflection. Also the mask around the pad has to be pulled back or burning may occur.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 19:41:53 EST 2007 | g2garyg2
Well, there seems to be many opinions, many of which could be correct, however... With the proper laser they can be quite good for soldering. Here are a few guidelines I would like to suggest. 1) Have your product soldered first (by the vendor) 2) T
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 11:49:20 EST 2007 | nkb2400
If the goal is selective soldering (not to raise the substrate temperature too high), consider the use of microwaves. Our company has been working on this technology for selectively bonding substrates. For example, we use the process to bond ROHS met
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 11:45:55 EST 2005 | chunks
If it's metal to metal, use the flame. Laser has a lot of quirks to it.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 09:24:33 EDT 2021 | dianau
Hello all, Does anyone here knows if it exist a special solder paste for diode laser soldering? What are the property that should have? Currently we are using a lead free solder with 2.5% flux. Thank you!
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 08:24:48 EST 2005 | zanolli
Dear Technetters We have a unique soldering operation that needs automation and we will be evaluating various methods including laser reflow and Spirig�s Microflame. The actual soldering operation entails joing two metal contacts by depositing a sol
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 11:01:27 EDT 2021 | dianau
Hello, This is what we currently use, lead free solder wire.