Electronics Forum: laser vision (Page 1 of 8)

laser soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 19:41:53 EST 2007 | g2garyg2

Well, there seems to be many opinions, many of which could be correct, however... With the proper laser they can be quite good for soldering. Here are a few guidelines I would like to suggest. 1) Have your product soldered first (by the vendor) 2) T

Fiducial recognition using laser

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 03 19:58:53 EST 2004 | Ken

I have used tooling holes and fiucial registration since the late '80's. In fact if your maximum "vision" tolerance is +/- 0.05mm, your in the same ball-park as locating pins. It is true that fiducial registration is more accurate. However, I woul

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 09:56:52 EDT 2001 | Damian Holzmann

The obvious difference between 2D and 3D is that an accurate volumetric measurement can only be obtained with a 3D measuring system. Laser line measurement in 2D does not allow accurate volumetric measurement. If you modify the aperture in a stencil

Quad 4c MK2, vision problems

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 20:06:26 EST 2020 | marcelorotofrance

Hi, I'm using a "ye olde" Quad 4c Mk2 built in 1995 for eight years. During that period I had to change 3 HDD (now it runs a compact flash with and free DOS), 3 Z-rod bellows,3 laser heads, some monitors, nozzles and misc parts. Despite that it has t

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 17:43:50 EDT 2001 | Steve

In order to understand your printing process, you cannot rely soley on 2D inspection. By implementing 3D-true volumetric measurement, a more comprehensive approach to correcting the process variation can be established. True volumetric / 3D inspect

Samsung Placement Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 08:58:45 EDT 2003 | caldon

Thanks for the update. I did just call Samsung and Mike Foster is indeed there but out on business trip. Seems you have all the scoop needed. As for the machine we had a pure laser vision (I guess you can call laser vision) and it was pretty good. I

advice on used P&P

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 06:18:41 EDT 2020 | vinitverma

Look for Philips Emerald (3 Phase supply) or it's predecessor Eclipse (single phase supply). It has 2 heads, Laser + Vision alignment (no mechanical alignment).

Mydata vs Siplace

Electronics Forum | Fri May 03 00:36:36 EDT 2002 | caldon

Not many tech stocks not plunging. Pete is correct.......You application should determine the machine not the machine determine the application. That is why there are machines from $15K(US) to +$400K. Mechanical, Laser, vision.......servo, linear...

Pick Up Error

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 03:13:17 EDT 2004 | V.R.Kini

Bent nozzle can result in vaccum leakage resulting in parts falling during part pick up. Correct this. However, if your machine has laser/vision alignment, you should not be having a problem since these come in to picture after pick up. If you have a

Tantalum capacitor mis-alignment & throwoff issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 07:08:07 EST 2018 | robl

Hi Prem, OK... Is it definitely ok before the oven, as it's a big part to move. Never had an issue with them. Has the part got the correct z height on or is the paste being displaced on placement What machine are you placing it with (is it laser

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laser vision searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation
ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.


3 Morse Road 2A
Oxford, CT USA

Phone: +1 203 592 8723