Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 19:41:53 EST 2007 | g2garyg2
Well, there seems to be many opinions, many of which could be correct, however... With the proper laser they can be quite good for soldering. Here are a few guidelines I would like to suggest. 1) Have your product soldered first (by the vendor) 2) T
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 03 19:58:53 EST 2004 | Ken
I have used tooling holes and fiucial registration since the late '80's. In fact if your maximum "vision" tolerance is +/- 0.05mm, your in the same ball-park as locating pins. It is true that fiducial registration is more accurate. However, I woul
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 09:56:52 EDT 2001 | Damian Holzmann
The obvious difference between 2D and 3D is that an accurate volumetric measurement can only be obtained with a 3D measuring system. Laser line measurement in 2D does not allow accurate volumetric measurement. If you modify the aperture in a stencil
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 20:06:26 EST 2020 | marcelorotofrance
Hi, I'm using a "ye olde" Quad 4c Mk2 built in 1995 for eight years. During that period I had to change 3 HDD (now it runs a compact flash with and free DOS), 3 Z-rod bellows,3 laser heads, some monitors, nozzles and misc parts. Despite that it has t
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 17:43:50 EDT 2001 | Steve
In order to understand your printing process, you cannot rely soley on 2D inspection. By implementing 3D-true volumetric measurement, a more comprehensive approach to correcting the process variation can be established. True volumetric / 3D inspect
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 08:58:45 EDT 2003 | caldon
Thanks for the update. I did just call Samsung and Mike Foster is indeed there but out on business trip. Seems you have all the scoop needed. As for the machine we had a pure laser vision (I guess you can call laser vision) and it was pretty good. I
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 06:18:41 EDT 2020 | vinitverma
Look for Philips Emerald (3 Phase supply) or it's predecessor Eclipse (single phase supply). It has 2 heads, Laser + Vision alignment (no mechanical alignment).
Electronics Forum | Fri May 03 00:36:36 EDT 2002 | caldon
Not many tech stocks not plunging. Pete is correct.......You application should determine the machine not the machine determine the application. That is why there are machines from $15K(US) to +$400K. Mechanical, Laser, vision.......servo, linear...
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 03:13:17 EDT 2004 | V.R.Kini
Bent nozzle can result in vaccum leakage resulting in parts falling during part pick up. Correct this. However, if your machine has laser/vision alignment, you should not be having a problem since these come in to picture after pick up. If you have a
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 07:08:07 EST 2018 | robl
Hi Prem, OK... Is it definitely ok before the oven, as it's a big part to move. Never had an issue with them. Has the part got the correct z height on or is the paste being displaced on placement What machine are you placing it with (is it laser
Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.
3 Morse Road 2A
Oxford, CT USA
Phone: +1 203 592 8723