Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 07:55:14 EDT 2016 | emeto
I have 408.01 and I believe that might be the latest version supported. What makes you think that the setting doesn't work? You can measure it with a scale, if you want to check it for real.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 29 02:50:18 EDT 2016 | pavel_murtishev
Hello, Could you please tell me what the latest Siemens F5HM software version is? Installed version we have is 407.03. It seems this software version does not support placement force adjustment for pick&place head that might be a critical point for
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 22 09:18:38 EDT 2014 | brantco
Hi Everyone i am looking for a copy of Autoprogram i thing version 5.25 maybe i believe the machine i have has 5.11 any help would be very appreciated
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 09:56:43 EDT 2016 | pavel_murtishev
Could you please tell me more about measurements? Which scales to use and what is the principal behind that? Regards
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 08:32:42 EDT 2016 | emeto
Just get a regular scale(small thin one - like a scale for kitchen). Mount it over a PCB and simulate placement with certain force. Hold the nozzle down for long time in order to register accurate reading from the scale. Then, just change parameters
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 05 09:43:58 EDT 2012 | edmaya33
Hi everybody, Is there any input on the latest techs for stencil foil? Something like Invar, Nano Protek, nickel electroform etc. Any input is very much appreciated. thanks fellas
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 00:52:40 EST 2003 | jamstart
What about the latest Conceptronic Freedom SE? Anybody here care to comment?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 08:36:10 EDT 2004 | Mark
Just jump into Fuji Flexa cause its the latest and from what I have used of it very simple to use.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 10:21:08 EDT 2005 | russ
See the latest thread in the design Forum
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 14:43:04 EST 2006 | amol_kane
the latest circuits assembly mazagine features an article on this by Karl Seelig