Electronics Forum: layering (Page 1 of 131)

CAM350 editing function

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 01:56:38 EDT 2013 | ciciswift

the Layers - > Add the Layers, or click the shortcut icon on the left toolbar, enter in the wake of a "Number of new the Layers" need to increase the Number of Layers. 2. Delete the layer: Edit - > the Layers - > Remove the Layers, and choose to dele

what's the difference between a thru vias and a blind via?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 16:41:14 EDT 2004 | Dave

Consider a 6 layer board. The Through via gets drilled from top layer to bottom layer. All 6 layers has the hole drilled in it. A blind via is a via that does not got through the entire 6 layers. It would go from layer 1 to layer 2. or layer 6 to lay

PCB layer to layer registration

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 16:13:28 EDT 2017 | barryg

Hello everyone, I was curious if anyone knows what criteria there is for layer to layer registration. I have looked at ipc-600 and 601 and have not found anything or am missing something. We had a small qty. of pcbs sent to a customer and some inner


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 02:17:37 EDT 2010 | tennythomas

I heard that one can create the stacked/staggered microvias in the layers 1-2 & 2-3 and skip microvia in the layer 1-3 of 6 layer stack up, when the prepreg is between layers 1 & 2 and the other prepreg is between the layers 2 & 3. I want to know w

Mixing 2 and 4 layer designs on a single panel

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 15:01:52 EDT 2010 | James Neal

Manufacturing-wise, is there a problem with doing a single panel with both four layer and two layers designs on it? I do prototype runs with multiple designs on the same panel, and I'd like to start including four layer. It seems to me that I can g

Copper Finishes versus Layer Thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 02 14:15:59 EST 2007 | realchunks

I have a new customer that has a print calling for 2oz. copper finish for top and bottom layers, and 1oz. copper finish for the inner 6 layers. Now, they also have a stack up depicting each layer and thickness. It shows the outer layers of copper b

GCpowerplace Inspection for Momentum Printer Bottom layer Issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 15 14:11:12 EST 2019 | griinder

I also use these when available. The problem still persists for Bottom Paste/Parts layer. The non-symmetric(x axis) footprints in the Btm part layer, display correctly in the software, But then display incorrectly when imported into the Printer. The


Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 08:03:48 EDT 2006 | davef

We expect that CAF can form on a 2-layer as easily as a 4 layer board.

30 Layer PCB with 70% fallout. Are the 30% good?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 11:38:04 EST 2010 | stepheniii

It stop sounding good to me at "30 layer PCB".

Solder Paste layer question

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 12:31:06 EST 2012 | zero260n4

checking the solder paste layer what is suggested in order to perform a robust DFM

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