Electronics Forum: lcd repair (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Heat seal ribbon to gold plated fingers and lcd displays

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 24 23:30:59 EDT 1998 | Pete Sorenson

| I know that this not surface mount, but many of us have to perform multipule duties. Can anyone give me some information on this I am having problems getting relibility | getingthe heat seal ribbon to make consistant electrical contact. | Any help

Re: Flexible Circuit, rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 01:33:13 EDT 1998 | Pete Sorenson

| I am looking for a way to re-bond a flexible circuit to | a PWB, so that the original circuits are re-connected. | Can anyone help? | I believe I saw some equipment in SMT Magazine 1 or 2 | months ago, but I can not find that advertisement! I rece

Universal 4796 rear LCD touchscreen monitor

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 20:12:02 EST 2003 | franklam

Back to square one, is your monitor physically damaged or is it mulfunctioned? Try the local monitor repairing tech's, may give u a surprise. We had the one at the front panel fixed by a local repairing guy here,(cheap $75). It works.

Asian Component Sales Suppliers

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 11:30:49 EDT 2021 | kumarb

We can vouch that UTSOURCE was excellent in assisting in the repair of some obscure farm equipment for a local farmer. Their Hitachi (original) LCD display driver was blown on a number of PCBs but was able to source the replacements through this port

Universal 4796 rear LCD touchscreen monitor

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 09:23:49 EST 2003 | Gary Camac

We had the same problem recently. It turned out the power supply had a problem. We sent the supply out for repair, but it couldn't be fixed. We found a replacement supply for around $250 that required the drilling of some new mounting holes. This


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