Electronics Forum: leaching at h solder (Page 1 of 1)

SnPbAg solder paste at reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 09:46:19 EST 2006 | jax

I assume you are talking about Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder. You should not see any added concerns when subjecting Sn62 to multiple reflow cycles as compared to Sn63. As compared to Sn63Pb37: Reduced leaching issues Increased Wetting due to lo

Solder at gold finger

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 20:43:27 EST 2001 | davef

1 Solder on gold fingers comes from: 1a About 70 % of the time it's caused by poor cleaning of screen printer, staging area (table), conveyor, reflow oven chain or belt, and keeping boards separate from cleaning process 1b After loading paste onto

Pasting a thru-hole part at SMT

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 03:33:22 EST 2007 | longlee

We have done Paste-In-Hole process for 4 years.I think this prcess is suitable for 28-pins connector. Of course, you must assure the connecotr can endure high temperature firstly.Secondly, you need calculate the volume of solder paste, you can refere

Books Available to Review at SMTnet

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 17:49:51 EDT 2000 | Keith Luke

SMTneters, The end of May finds several recent publications from leading publishers on my desk. I am all too happy to share these books with our loyal SMTneters in the hopes that they will provide us with a timely review of the new release. For ma

HELP! Plating issue on chassis

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 12:24:21 EDT 1999 | KA Stillings

I normally handle the soldering issues for this facility but a question was asked of me -- What the H@## is this stuff and what is causing it? Was wondering of I could get some input from any Guru on plating issues. Need info ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: HELP! Plating issue on chassis

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 15:20:26 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| I normally handle the soldering issues for this facility but a question was asked of me -- What the H@## is this stuff and what is causing it? Was wondering of I could get some input from any Guru on plating issues. Need info ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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