Electronics Forum: lead and less and soldering (Page 1 of 36)

lead free and tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 11:01:47 EST 2006 | amol_kane

with lead-free solders, one would expect to find less instances of tombstoning. this is because SAC alloys are not eutectic and melt over a range of temp (usually 217-220 deg C) instead of at a single temperature. therefore the forces due to solder s

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 21:45:49 EDT 2004 | KEN

I have experienced this directly in SMT and wave solder. Fillet lift (can) be a direct indicator to lead enrichment (but its not the exclusive symptom). Lead enrichment in smt joints reduces the interfacial strength shortening the time to creep f

lead free and tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 12:41:50 EST 2006 | fredericksr

Hey folks, I was interested in any information that you might have on tombstone reduction when using a lead free solder and profile. Thanks for any input that you may have! -Russ #x

Solder beads and wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 03:03:56 EDT 2006 | ronalds

Thank you all for your input. The MF300S Multicore flux is rated for lead free. There is not much dross or contamination. We are using nitrogen. I've tested the boards with the curing test of IPC-TM-650. I think you're all right about the preheat.

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 19:17:43 EDT 2004 | russ

Now see Dave, now I have some good info on why it is "bad", This must be the lead enrichment I have heard about but never got any substantiated data or explanantion. I wonder how much weaker or less reliable these are. Is there any data that you k

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 17:36:36 EDT 2004 | davef

NO-LEAD COMPONENTS WITH LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We agree with Russ. We've dicussed this several times on SMTnet. For instance, look here http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=25394 LEAD COMPONENTS WITH NO-LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We disa

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 19:50:44 EDT 2004 | davef

To take our turn at keeping everyone else on the straight and narrow. For more on lead contamination of no-lead solder, look here: http://www.aimsolder.com/techarticles/Lead%20Contamination%20in%20Lead-Free%20Electronics%20Assembly.pdf [We apolog

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 11:57:03 EDT 2004 | Kris

Hi Any body have any issues soldering tin lead solder paste with lead free terminations ? Components are leaded devices and chip components have read the theoritical discussions on the forum, need to know if any body has seen any real issues tod

hot bar and lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 12:09:40 EST 2004 | Kris

Hi All, Does any body have any information on hot bar lead free soldering ? Need papers or experimental data ASAP Thanks

The truth about RoHS and lead free soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 09:48:32 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel

Checkout this link http://www.rohsusa.com/ any comments on this??

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