Electronics Forum: lead and trimming and of and through and hole and components (Page 1 of 2)

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 10:19:43 EDT 1998 | Jerry

We have no problems but orientation does matter. Orient with longest side of component body perpendicuar to wave. In other words the same preference as with through hole DIPS. Idea is the same as for through hole, that the surface tension will ten

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 13:42:08 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommen

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 14:35:52 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recomm


Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 29 09:10:16 EDT 2006 | davef

Ball Grid Array (BGA). A surface mount technology leadless package with the connectors to the board placed in an array on the bottom of the package. They are attached to the board with tiny balls of solder placed on each contact. Pin Grid Array (P

Material Ageing and Storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 22 04:00:02 EST 2001 | Scott B

We are increasingly being asked to store components for longer and longer periods which we know through experience leads to reduction or total loss of solderability of the parts. 1) What is the industry accepted shelf life of tin/lead plated compone

Wave Cassettes and Heat convection

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 11:41:56 EST 2007 | davef

Questions are: * Does the component take solder when you dip it in the solder pot to test the solderability of the leads? * Can you get full barrel fill when wave soldering a bare board? * Is your flux reaching the top of the board through the hole b

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 11:55:08 EST 2007 | chef

I recently had the same problems, solder bridges on every thing I made, different customers boards, etc. I wave with no-clean flux. As I sorted out problems (pin holes, blow holes, splatter, etc.) I found a lot of variable factors. I changed flux,

Line release of post reflow AOI and AXI

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 16 19:16:11 EDT 2008 | hegemon

Hello everyone! > > I'm a student of electrical > engineering currently working on a thesis for my > BSc degree. It will be about post reflow AOIs and > AXIs, and I'd kindly like to ask you for some > help with it. > > I would like to know if t

Conductive contamination and the elusive solution

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 16:45:37 EDT 2007 | losersk8er

The Contamination has proven to be pretty random, lots of stainless steel though in fact two cases in the past two days. As far as I know all machinery is cleaned regularly as well, even the stencil washer itself. The boards we make are 90% (at l

Foam fluxer maintenance, storage and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 09:44:22 EST 2015 | davef

Purpose. This describes setting-up a wave soldering system set-up for a new assembly design or checking a wave solder machine operation with a test board. Applicability. To be used for new design printed circuit assembles and during machine accept

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