Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 12:17:47 EST 2006 | mafc65
As Russ say, you can buy kits from Practical components and make your tries, the send those pcb's to your solder paste vendor for analysis.I am using Senju Lead free solder and I send boards to them then they cut the board and analyze your solder con
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 11:51:29 EST 2006 | russ
Practical components sells these kits.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 13:29:12 EST 2006 | pjc
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 13:03:38 EST 2006 | billyd
It does. I looked into the Cookson/P.C. kit, and it looks like a good deal. So, I'll go with that. (We're already running Pb free, but we'd like solid hard data for customers) Thanks all.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 11:40:45 EST 2006 | billyd
My company is looking to run some small validation cards to verify our Pb free process for potential customers. Basocally, we'd like to print a small card, place some components, say 0402 to a small BGA, maybe some thru-hole stuff, and reflow it. So
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 09:51:42 EDT 2005 | russ
We use the JBC irons with and without the "leadfree" tips. We really have not noticed much difference between the standard and the lead free. The lead free tips do last a little longer but the tips are somewhat deformed by the extra plating. As f
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 07:21:28 EDT 2006 | joe
Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep my soldering tips from turning black when using lead free solder. I am going through a lot of tips. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 16:39:51 EST 2003 | Kris
Hi, Is it necessary to have a tunnel nitrogen? Is it a very common practise amongst contract manufacturers ?