Electronics Forum: lead free voiding (Page 1 of 353)

SMT voiding

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 14:45:57 EDT 2012 | kkay

We are experiencing voiding on one of our lead-free assemblies on every part. The voiding only occurs underneath the parts and not in the solder fillet (see pic). We have tried baking, curing, washing, multiple pastes and everything else we can think

QFN voiding levels

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 11 03:14:03 EDT 2010 | muarty

Thanks Dax, We currently employ a stencil aperture design pretty much similar to that you describe. And you are correct in what you say about the thermal demands almost dictating the allowable voiding level. We have suggested to our customer that th

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 17:36:36 EDT 2004 | davef

NO-LEAD COMPONENTS WITH LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We agree with Russ. We've dicussed this several times on SMTnet. For instance, look here http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=25394 LEAD COMPONENTS WITH NO-LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We disa

lead free

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 08:08:52 EDT 2006 | joe

I did

lead free

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 07:21:28 EDT 2006 | joe

Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep my soldering tips from turning black when using lead free solder. I am going through a lot of tips. Thanks

lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 16:39:51 EST 2003 | Kris

Hi, Is it necessary to have a tunnel nitrogen? Is it a very common practise amongst contract manufacturers ?

lead free

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 07:45:57 EDT 2006 | aj

buy leadfree compatible ones ! Are your op's trained on Leadfree soldering? aj...

lead free

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 09:11:29 EDT 2006 | russ

Tin and clean them often.

lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 11:53:34 EST 2003 | davide grosso

I want to know the advantage of using complete inert soldering wave machine (with Nitrogen, Tunnel concept) in comparison to use just a soldering machine withe inerted solder pot. Thanks

lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 13:12:33 EST 2003 | msivigny

Hello davide, the biggest advantage you'll find with a complete N2 tunnel is the minimization of oxidation during board preheating. Using only an inerted solder pot allows the oxidation to build up throughout the preheat stages and introduces contami

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