Electronics Forum: lead length for connectors (Page 1 of 7)

Pin in paste connectors and lead-free questions

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 23:09:34 EDT 2019 | sssamw

Yes, you need work with supplier to see if can run pin in paste for these connectors, even do some experiments. A step-up stencil would be good for these connectors, also connectors pin size and length match with PCB hole design.

Trouble selective soldering fine pitch connectors

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 12:29:57 EST 2012 | deanm

Thanks for the comments so far. The smallest nozzle I've tried is a 4mm, which is what Pillarhouse used on this board to provide a sample. I tried this but wasn't as good as the 6mm. I've soldered the same connectors on a different board using a 10mm

PCB's for lead free testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 08:42:47 EST 2005 | Jim Zanolli

We are performing testing for lead free connector finishes. We want to run solderability tests on a series of lead free connector plating options in a series lead free PCB's. I need some advice on the most popular lead free PCB finishes. I am aware

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:44:58 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

If the solder joint meeting, minimum side joint length(D) and also meeting, minimum heel fillet height (F) but the heel fillet NOT extend to the mid point of outside bend. It is acceptable?

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:32:31 EDT 2007 | davef

On one hand, nothing in that states that you need a heel fillet. It only talks to the length of the side fillet. On the other hand, we suggest that you should use to determine if your heel fillet is acceptable, after you have determ

profile vitronics 500s for lead free solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 20:02:37 EDT 2012 | hegemon

Lead Free in 5 zones is tough sledding. Start with your manufacturers solder reflow profile and calculate your belt speed by looking at the recommended heating time for the solder paste vs. the length of your heated zones. Set your belt speed so tha

Presse for press-fit connector

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 00:52:24 EDT 2005 | adlsmt

Depending on the connector you should be able to use a standard cheap arbor press with some cheap home-made tooling. Standard arbor presses typically have a rotating disc with cut-outs, remove this and put a decent quality stainless steel block in it

Polarity for SMT Devices

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 21:00:59 EDT 2002 | davef

That is the rub here, isn�t it? For those posting, it�s easier [but much slower] to start a new thread than to search the archives. [And posters could view their issue so unique and novel that it could never have been discussed several years earlie

Heat Sink for QFP

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 08:29:04 EST 2006 | davef

Pad design - Standard IPC 20 pitch QFP Thermal pad design - Layout the thermal pad 0mm to 0.15mm larger per side (0mm to 0.30mm larger overall) than the exposed die pad on the package. �Larger than�, as opposed to the same size, is preferred. Obvio

Ideal lenght for Selective solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 20 08:29:57 EDT 2013 | proceng1

When bridging becomes an issue, I like short leads. Lead Free is where I see most bridging occur. Usually when lead length starts to approach lead spacing. As long as the lead is discernible in the joint, it's acceptable. If you are having troubl

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