Electronics Forum: lead lift up (Page 1 of 183)

SIPLACE D1i SOT(SMT Transistor lead lift up detection)

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 04:25:48 EST 2022 | shrikant_borkar

Dear Members Please help me to support to one of my client does not have co planarity in his SIPLACE D1i Pick and place machine. We would like to understand why this Lead lift up issue has passed thru pick and place.? Is there any method by keepin

SIPLACE D1i SOT(SMT Transistor lead lift up detection)

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 03:54:38 EST 2022 | gary_sastrillas

The only way can detect, play around with your vision teaching with the component. and adjust the pin tolerance.

SIPLACE D1i SOT(SMT Transistor lead lift up detection)

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 04:47:41 EST 2022 | shrikant_borkar

Dear All Hopefully you got the situation on SIPLACE D1i and SIPLACE D2i. Pickup up Place machines. Is the lead bend upward of SMT transistor detection is possible on this machine? If not is it possible to get it detects by optimising it's windows.

AOI-problems lifted lead on qfp-100

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 19:55:49 EDT 2010 | eadthem

The best method i have for the few lifted/bent lead issues we have is i use a ic/bridge inspector with all its default options to check for bridges and solder at the tip. then i add a solder inspector but this time accrost all pins at the downslope o

lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 13:12:33 EST 2003 | msivigny

Hello davide, the biggest advantage you'll find with a complete N2 tunnel is the minimization of oxidation during board preheating. Using only an inerted solder pot allows the oxidation to build up throughout the preheat stages and introduces contami

Re: Flux sprayer set up

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 22:31:47 EST 1999 | Vincent Chen

Hi!Charlie, 1.Are you retrofitting your spray fluxer in your wave soldering machine? If you are, please ensure that you have a air knife just before the preheater!Fluxe fumes tends to accumulate and that could be dangerous if your air exhaust is not

Colorless LEDs - Mix up

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 05:23:21 EDT 2003 | kanwal324

Please check the leads length and polarity. The manf. of LEDs must have given some feature for distinguishing.

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 21:45:49 EDT 2004 | KEN

I have experienced this directly in SMT and wave solder. Fillet lift (can) be a direct indicator to lead enrichment (but its not the exclusive symptom). Lead enrichment in smt joints reduces the interfacial strength shortening the time to creep f

Making a BGA stand up

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 15:20:04 EST 2003 | JohnW

Russ, unfortunately at the moment the preferred option of hi melt isn't available due to copyright issues. The current ball is made of 46/46/8 tin / lead / bismuth. ther ball's are 0.8mm in dia. The alloy actually has a plastic region around 170 and

Making a BGA stand up

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 16 03:43:42 EST 2003 | johnw

1st off for the forum folk, I don't like the fact that the new system only let's you see the posting your replying too, I'd rather be able to see the thread..... Anyhoo, why this alloy?, it's because it's the device manufacturers preferred and the c

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