Electronics Forum: lead reflow zone settings (Page 1 of 48)

VIP98N settings

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 16:55:11 EST 2007 | dman97

Hi, I am using a 7 zone Conceptronics oven and Indium 3.1 lead free clean paste. Our profile is as follows, 130 140 150 180 200 240 260 with a belt speed of 36 inches per minute. I dont know if that will help you out though...

Oven settings

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 18:21:27 EDT 2007 | mariss

We have recently acquired a Passaat SMRO-0406 oven. The manual is uninformative for oven settings. Can someone supply us with starting points for conveyor speed, Zone 1 to 4 and 5 to 8 temperature settings please? Our boards for a product we manufac

5 zone oven profile

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 03:02:59 EDT 2011 | grahamcooper22

starting point with zone settings would be, 100 / 160 / 200 / 225 / 260 deg C...but you'll have to check the exact profile on the pcb with a reflow profiler....making sure you meet the paste spec and making sure you don't heat any devices up to quic

5 zone oven profile

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 05 16:29:18 EDT 2011 | gaz

We are not having any real issues. I am just first setting up a lead free profile, and was looking for a starting place. So far it's going well. Can you tell me more about why your paste would be better and I'll pass that on to the decision makers?

5 zone ovens

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 09:52:46 EDT 2006 | samir

Dave, For lead free, I've always left the ramp part the same and just spike higher in the reflow zone. I've also slowed things down a bit (5" per sec. slower)....without using prediction software, try, say... Z4 200 & Z5 260.

5 zone ovens

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 03:58:07 EDT 2006 | dave

Hi, We have a 5 zone oven and we use a RTS Profile. Our last zone is the zone that the reflow takes place. some basic analysis is as follows: TAL 70 secs, peak temp 210,ramp rate seems fine. A typical setting is : Z1 140 Z2 160 Z3 160 Z4 185 Z5 220

starting set points for SIMPLE single zone Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 12:44:36 EDT 2015 | proy

soldering a very simple board in a very simple Accuheat oven. Can anyone give me basic starting point settings (conveyor speed and temperature) then we will profile using a mole from there. Paste 1) Tin Lead Paste 2) Chipquik low temp TL 165C PR

lead free joint finish

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 16:51:57 EST 2009 | gregoryyork

Hi Small ovens work fine if the settings are correct and I seriously doubt 55cm/min is right. Profile it and speed down to around 35cm/min. Increase first zone to around 170 keep second at 208 but increase last to around 280 BUT profile to check it

Starting point 7 zone oven profile for lead free - 2 layer simple board, but high mass electrolytics

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 12:18:01 EDT 2014 | cyber_wolf

You must thermally profile your circuit boards with a data-logger and thermocouples. Just putting in oven set points and looking at solder joints is not enough. Reference IPC-7530

Starting point 7 zone oven profile for lead free - 2 layer simple board, but high mass electrolytics

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 09:38:05 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Get in touch with your paste manufacturer. They should have a data base of different oven types/zones, and can give you "baseline" settings for a medium thermal density board that has been proven to work well with their paste. After that, it sounds

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