Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 09:14:30 EDT 2005 | stepheniii
I found the Mirtec got faster and faster to program the longer we had it. Both from a learning curve point of view and a building the library point of view. And it was reasonably fast to program at the start anyways.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 13:37:51 EST 2005 | slthomas
I would second the hot melt glue method. You do have to teach the importance of "more is not always better" and there will be learning curve, but it's a lot better at securing big clunky electrolytics than RTV. It's also a lot cheaper than chipbonder
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 23 10:03:19 EST 2008 | tsvetan
Hi, yes, you can, but it will be subject to long learn curve where i live there are hundreds of GSM repair shops which do BGA rework and replacement with $50 hot air guns only, but i guess they had lot of BGAs damaged before they have learned how to
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 13:02:10 EST 2007 | shap
We are looking at replacing our aging 4790 for something. We are replacing our GSM1 with an Advantis. We are a prototype shop and do runs of 5 to 30 normally and once in a while a run of 300. So we are looking for flexibility and ease of set up.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 07 04:56:48 EDT 2004 | loz
Recently introduced to machine spraying. Used a PVA2000. Worked out OK. Steep learning curve though. Programming time consuming but relatively sraight forward. Point the spray head and teach the 'path' you want it to take. Used acrylic coating and t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 21 19:46:07 EST 2006 | nwanglin
We have the Trion machines. Orbotech support has been more than fair. The learning curve for our particular machines is steep. As with any equipment you get out of it what you put into it. The machine does point out defects well, but the statisti
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 04:16:41 EDT 2006 | villimar
I am the AOI control programmer on Orbotech Trion 2340 who deals with the component librarys, shapes, programming and tuning the AOI. Trion has quite good learning curves I had an idea make own shape for every PCB or gruop of very similar PCB's and o
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 04:16:46 EDT 2006 | villimar
I am the AOI control programmer on Orbotech Trion 2340 who deals with the component librarys, shapes, programming and tuning the AOI. Trion has quite good learning curves I had an idea make own shape for every PCB or gruop of very similar PCB's and o
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 17 12:41:12 EST 2007 | Rob
I found the most infuriating attitude was the "if you're not in China you're not in the game" mentality of purchasing professionals. So what if there is a low labour (or labor) content and actually import duty and freight can out weigh this, and the
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 10:17:01 EST 2016 | dyoungquist
If you are just needing a few small runs until you buy a high quality permanent machine, I suggest you outsource the work to a local EMS provider. That way you will not have to go through a learning curve on 2 different machines. Outsourcing the wo