Electronics Forum: learning yamaha smt machine operation system book (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Operating a SMT system

Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 08:32:02 EDT 2000 | Nancy V

Janet, I like Dave's advice. I would send you first to www.smtmag.com They have articles there that give the basics of SMT. Look for the button that says "Step-By-Step SMT." It will give you a touch of what your in for. Then find a good book. I

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 08:23:13 EST 2009 | jeffreyj

MikeS - Thanks for the tips. Coombs book has been on my "to buy" list for awhile now... Guess I better buck-up and get it. EMPF is an old gem, for sure, but one I had forgotten about, so thanks for that reminder. I couldn't find the SMT 101 guide at

Books for SMT

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 20:34:17 EST 2007 | davef

DAVE�S BOOKSHELF ASSEMBLER�S ESSENTIALS Title: Soldering in ElectronicsAuthor: RJ Klein WassinkPublisher: Electrochemical PublicationsISBN: 090115024XPublication date: December 1989 I know, I know. The book was written in 1989!!!! I use this b


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