Electronics Forum: led design (Page 1 of 10)

YSVJ-650 led strips cutting machine

Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 05:44:04 EDT 2019 | peterchan

1、YSVJ-650B three-group multi- blades cutting machine, multiple sets of tools run at the same time, split the whole piece at one time, greatly improve production efficiency; multiple sets of tool design ensure that the split plate effect is not defor

led tilt reduction by reducing convection air speed in reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 15:05:17 EST 2017 | emeto

I am pretty sure, you are looking into the wrong spot. Your paste is too much, or your part has very inconsistent narrow leads(that includes wrong pad design as well.)

Stencil design for Right Angle LED

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 19:42:46 EDT 2005 | ktron

Thank D.B. Cooper, actually this LED has 3 sides termination but no termination at underneath of LED. So this LED tends to float rather than performing solder joint during reflow process.

Stencil design for Right Angle LED

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 09:02:58 EDT 2005 | ktron

Hi Guys.. Does anybody had experienced with designing the stencil for Right Angle LED without any dewetting problem on the LED termination? Currently our stencil opening is 1:1 and we still got so high reject due to this problem. Pls Advise, thanks

Stencil design for Right Angle LED

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 13:15:17 EDT 2005 | chunks

Hard to tell, but it looks as if this LED has no side termination, so it may only look like dewetting. If everything around this part is reflowing, I'd bet that's all this is.

Large Radius Curved LED Lighting Designs (Multiple feet)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 14:35:50 EST 2023 | carl_p

We also just join multiple boards via connectors.

Large Radius Curved LED Lighting Designs (Multiple feet)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 12:35:10 EST 2023 | stephendo

Most of our LEDs are assembled as individuals connected by PCB traces. The ones that aren't are triple LEDs with three colors.

Help needed to solder poorly designed SMT LED's

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 11:10:07 EDT 2002 | Gregg Temkin

I�d appreciate assistance in trying to resolve a placement/soldering problem. My company has designed a board which uses a large number of 0402 LED�s that are .028� high. The LED�s need to be soldered so that they point straight up and are not til

Large Radius Curved LED Lighting Designs (Multiple feet)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 12:41:07 EST 2023 | jdengler

We make PCB assemblies for an RGB arc that is made up of multiple curved PCB's that have connectors on the ends to plug together. I think the end the radius of the arc is 2 feet. Jerry

LED on the board

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 11 16:40:27 EDT 2012 | georgeg

On the board, LTST-S320KGKT (LED) was supposed to be placed as shown in the figure. The pads and silkscreen with legend were also made as shown in the figure. But after the part was placed on the board, I realized that the sizes recommended by the LE

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