Electronics Forum: lga voids (Page 1 of 7)

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 13:16:11 EST 2020 | emeto

Here is the profile

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 10:26:15 EST 2020 | emeto

Some of the voids are questioned and they might easily be over 25%.

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 13:36:01 EST 2020 | emeto

We use low voiding formula from Indium.

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 07:50:27 EDT 2010 | sachu_70

Just to add to my comments,solder joint voids do occur in LGA. Voids in LGA can be larger due to geometry and greater ratio of flux to solder. IPC-A-610D specifies a greater than 25% voided area is a defect for BGA, however, it does not specify the d

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 17:33:26 EST 2020 | SMTA-Norah

Were the boards baked out before soldering? Is there plated over vias in the pads?

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 08 10:04:29 EST 2020 | emeto

We don't have plated vias on these pads.

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 14:37:02 EST 2020 | emeto

Zack, would you recommend longer TAL or higher peak temp or both together?

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 13:28:44 EST 2020 | cyber_wolf

Your profile looks textbook.

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 17 02:49:11 EST 2020 | jakapratama

Yeah, that's a nearly uniformed ramp up profile, I can't see anything's wrong with that.

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 31 11:48:36 EST 2019 | emeto

Hello experts, I have a 50mmx50mm LGA on a PCBA. I Would like to decrease voiding in these joints and I wanted to hear about your techniques to decrease voiding. Stencil is currently 5mil. SAC305. ENIG finish.

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