Electronics Forum: library

Mydata Package Database hints?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 11:27:08 EDT 2003 | smokejumper

I have not seen anyone mention the Web inerface to a Mydata. In Tpsys 2.3 and higher there is a graphical version of the package list. This also lets you search the database by number of leads on a device.

Re: Linking A Mydata with PADS software

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 09:57:27 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan

| Has anyone been able to link a Mydata with the Pads Software. The book say's it can not be done but someone told you can?????? Could someone put me on the right road. | Thank You | John Kirby John, Check out UNICAM at www.unicam.com. I use UNICAM

Re: Linking A Mydata with PADS software

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 09 17:22:41 EDT 1998 | Phil Teerink

| | | Has anyone been able to link a Mydata with the Pads Software. The book say's it can not be done but someone told you can?????? Could someone put me on the right road. | | Thank You | | John Kirby | John, | Check out UNICAM at www.unicam.com.

Re: Linking A Mydata with PADS software

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 22 12:52:56 EDT 1998 | Bernard Mulcahy

| | | | | Has anyone been able to link a Mydata with the Pads Software. The book say's it can not be done but someone told you can?????? Could someone put me on the right road. | | | Thank You | | | John Kirby | | John, Mydata themselves will supply

Re: Which SMD placement machines are easiest to use?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 10:15:04 EST 2000 | Christopher Lampron

Maurice, I have worked with several different platforms of P&P machines and have a couple of thoughts regarding features and ease of use. The Contact Systems 3 series machines are versitile and very user friendly. I contribute this to the touch scree

Is DEK USA gone

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 09:19:02 EDT 2019 | davef

http://www.nordsonselect.com. Accel: Cookson created Speedline after purchasing: MPM®, Electrovert®, Accel®, and Camalot®. In 2003, KPS Special Situations Fund II purchased Speedline from Cookson. In, 2007, Illinois Tool Works ITW acquired Speedlin


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