Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 26 18:46:59 EST 2002 | gregp
Your history is pretty good Dave although Multitroniks never had anything to do with Royonics. Multi was formerly Ragen who also made a light guided semi automatic PTH machine. They dabbled in SMT after changing their name to Multitroniks and takin
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 26 18:19:55 EST 2002 | davef
Is this revisionist history? Have you been breathing deeply, while eating corn doodles? Let me knock-down a couple of Zoloft. OK. Here�s the way I remember things � * UIC, Dynapert, and Amistar made the best PTH insertion equipment on the planet.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 16:30:33 EDT 2003 | T.Vick
You have received some great feedback so far. I would like to summarize and add a few points regarding maintenance. You should start (as recommended already) by verifying your component library data. Using the default values from the master library i
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 02:50:44 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis
| Have an SRT w/preheat, 18 layer board all copper, 456 BGA needs to be removed and replaced. The manufacturer is Chip Express and during reflow it warps up or down. Causing either opens or shorts on the corners. I was using gel flux with multiple
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