Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 21:56:53 EDT 2004 | pdeuel
The camera is not driven from the motor cards. The camera is attached to what is called a forcer. For the Y axis there are two of them. One is wired backwards from the other. one of the forcers is connected to a flex chanell for the air and electrica
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 16 18:24:11 EDT 2016 | aemery
Scratches do not necessarily mean bad! Usually the forcer motor fails before a platen. The motors become weak or don't evenly distribute the supplied air, which causes them to tilt and drive into the platens. Mechanical misalignment of the VY forcer
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 04:23:38 EDT 2007 | chrispy1963
You dont mention if it is ONLY occuring with the A12 or is it other tools as well? Only spring tools or Stiff ones? Regardless of that, the small X Wagon motor is controlled by the track ball and the bigger X Axis motor is controlled by the joystic
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 09 12:00:25 EDT 2014 | bobpan
You have a rather old machine that you are running....now realizing this you need to check some things. 1. Clean the scales in the x and y direction. On some of the encoders there is an led to see if its reading correctly....Usually it turns green b
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