Electronics Forum: linearization (Page 1 of 27)

What is the difference between Linear Drive or Rack and pinion

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 09:32:23 EDT 2007 | dilbert

Linear drive uses linear motors that have no moving parts, strictly a coil over magnets. "Rack and Pinion" as you call it uses AC servo motors that are driving belts and pullies The linear motor has no moving parts and is faster but generates a lot

Mydata linear stick feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 13:03:14 EDT 2009 | toddscherrsymcomcom

I am looking for any input on the linear stick feeder from Mydata. We currently use a vibe feeder and have a high number of miss picks/rejects on SO8 packages. Is the linear stick feeder worth the investment to upgrade from vibe?

What is the difference between Linear Drive or Rack and pinion

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:54:58 EDT 2007 | accurex

What ist the advantage of split axis with Rack and Pinion Drive and the latest Linear drive based placement system.

IP3 X1 Encoder Alarm

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 22:19:05 EST 2008 | ashley

hello Keith, the problem may be related to a faulty / dirty linear scale. kindly check on the yellow strip along the X axis. clean & clear the glass linear scale of debris & grease. for Fuji support & spare parts, please write to :- apexservice@

Life Expectancy

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 13 10:20:20 EDT 2018 | reckless

Wouldn't the VRM linear motors need to be replaced eventually? How long do they generally last on the genesis? Replacing a ball and screw is not cost prohibitive but the linear motors sounds like it would be. Wouldn't that be the life of a genesis

Linear bearing damage X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 12:29:52 EST 2021 | astarotf

Hi Travis H, Thank you very much for answering and helping. Apparently, but I'm not sure what the X linear bearing assembly is. The replacement part I am looking for is I believe this it

LINEAR LGA DC/DC low yield

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 17:39:26 EDT 2010 | jeffjarmato

Follow the manufacturers reflow spec in the application guide.

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 06:54:03 EDT 2011 | mosborne1

Wipe off your linear scales and clean your quadalign lense.

SF-820-LF reflow Hood (Electric Actuator cylinder)

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 16 05:50:25 EDT 2015 | sarason

Do you mean a 24V Linear Actuator ? sarason

Rad 5 performance: bent lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 09 15:55:36 EDT 2019 | alpha1

Have you checked the bearing on the linear slide bearing on the CTA?

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