Electronics Forum: lineing up machines (Page 1 of 610)

Powering down machines vs leaving them up

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 22:06:32 EDT 2016 | ttheis

With desktop/workstation computers I am of the opinion that they should be left to run 24/7 to avoid thermal cycling daily in order to prolong their life. I have dozens of computers between my home and business and I have had good success with this f

Re: Surface mount machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 03:33:26 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

Anybody using trolleys with the pick-n-place machines and do you splice to the empty reels? Does it work ? ================================================================= I can totally support Charles' comments with regard to reel splicing, ie. if

Re: Surface mount machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 05:01:37 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

| Anybody using trolleys with the pick-n-place machines and do you splice to the empty reels? Does it work ? | Yes we run Siemens Siplace with wheel in trolleys and splice tool. +ve Quick change over of a large number of components typically less t

Setting up Water Wash Plant

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 11 12:17:16 EST 2008 | bmaheu

Setting up a PCB washing "system" and the facilities required for a cost effective and repeatable cleaning process depend heavily on the application (water soluble versus chemistry cleaning), (batch cleaner versus ln-line) and local factors (quality

Intercompatibility between different manufacturer machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 09:02:35 EDT 2020 | sarason

This program will read a large number of modern machine formats and export to the same set of formats, as well as feeder movement, machine optimisation and up to 6 different manufacturers machines in the one line. And it only caosts $1000US. https:/

stencil/printing machines for solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 00:34:42 EST 2015 | comatose

There isn't going to be much worthwhile used equipment out there if you mean true jetting - it is a pretty recent process. There are lots of used stencil printers out there, so from an up-front cost perspective, stencil wins. Jetting is slow. A hig

Inspection machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 14:08:14 EST 1998 | Sergio Luiz Vito

I am interested in inspection machines working with comparation, the results that I need for inspections are missing parts, component offset, polarized components, etc. The machine can work in line or off line. Thanks for help. Sergio.

Settting up conveyors for a SMT line....

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 16:20:01 EST 2003 | vortex

4'2'' should be enough, going any higher and your bound for large gaps between machine and conveyor. Its been awhile since I set any up but i'm sure that 4'2 will be enough but not too much. I'm sure I wrote down my exact measurments, if I come acros

Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 17:23:24 EDT 1999 | Kelly Morris

I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I will b

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 10:30:35 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I will

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