Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 20:48:07 EST 2006 | ____
I would like to start a new post regarding fuji > NXT machine. What do you think about the machine > as far as the servicing of the machine goes. I am > so used to the older machines such as : CP,IP, > and QP. Those machines at least give you som
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 12:00:00 EST 2013 | aj
do you have an error alarm code on the actual servoe itself?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 10:58:24 EST 2013 | orlando216
Yes I can move the x1 axis, and there is no error code.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 05:04:10 EDT 2021 | fujipro
Error codes would be helpful. In most IPS error cases, the Documentation will not help you. For remeasuring the IPS are special Tools needed. You need to send the head to your Fuji Service.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 15 16:52:52 EDT 2010 | wingding
Fuji IP2: I am having problems with an MTU Cycle Alarm error. There is no such error listed in the IP2 manual or the MTU manual. It sometimes comes up while placing parts on a board or sometimes right after Zero Set. Does anyone know what generates t
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 11:09:59 EDT 2003 | samaniegocesar
Hello to all. I have problems with IP1 Fuji machine, the machine was working properly and suddenly appear the erroc code 000C error task 0028 and error address F92228A0, I turn off and On again, I erase the memory but I have the same prblem, I can n
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 14:44:07 EDT 2006 | johnw
They are various way to debug this problem, try booting into mecha check, The cpu wouldnt cause a vp error all that is related to the VP are 3 cards the gognex the vp card and the memry backup card. If this fails print out the trace machine code and
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 20 17:41:11 EST 2007 | bvdb
Hoping someone can help us. Our Fuji IP-1 won't boot up unless we disconnect the 25 pin RS232 connector that runs to the MCS16/F programming computer. It doesn't matter if the 9 pin connector on the other end of the cable is plugged into the MCS16/
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 01:21:42 EST 2005 | bvdb
We own a Fuji IP1 with all the manuals, etc. but can't figure out how to inch the tray robot. We can inch the X, Y, Z, Q axis and the SX and SY axis. All the axis auto zero OK (including the trays), but when I push the "4" key to inch the trays we
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 15:17:21 EDT 2005 | GAK
What kind of error code do you get? Check your sensers my be bad.