Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 09:23:25 EST 2016 | rgduval
We've had our My500 for about four months now, and couldn't be happier. We are a super-high-mix, super-low-volume shop, and the flexibility provided by the 500 over stencils is stunning. So, you buy 5-10 stencils a week? That's 260-520 stencils a
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 13:12:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis
You may care to review the following from my Circuits Assembly page on line. "HOW FLAT IS FLAT AND DO WE NEED FLAT CIRCUIT BOARD, YES WE DO ? As production problems go there is one that keeps reoccurring time and time again. The blame is usually di
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 15:27:27 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| | Hi, | | | | To improve the Design For Manufacturing I am currently looking to write down some design rules that can (and should be) used by our engineering department. | | | | Can somebody help me get started or give some usefull tips on where
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 16:48:45 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad
There are many differences between batch-format and inline format aqueous cleaning systems. First, please allow me two make two things clear. 1: I am a manufacturer of both batch and inline aqueous cleaning systems. Because my company manufactu