Electronics Forum: low back pressure conveyor (Page 1 of 6)

High mix low volume

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 14:40:17 EDT 2008 | jdengler

Peter, We have 2 Fuji lines. We run from 5 to 5000 piece lots. When we are running near capacity and have a lot of change-overs scheduled we have special operators that will load parts onto feeders and organize the feeders like they will be on the

MPM UP 2000 conveyor misalignment

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 13:31:50 EDT 2012 | highmillr

Yeah thanks swag, I do that ridiculous routine about every morning....im over it.... so I ordered a new belt..4 weeks lead time by the way from speedline. AND,...I took the tiny belt tensioners on each side and tightened both pretty tight and

Integration of manual odd form / low volume pick and place

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 13:16:15 EDT 2002 | kenbliss

Some things to consider 1. can one operator keep up with manual operations and not slow the line down? If yes, great. If no you will need a way to allow more than one operator access to the next board coming down the line to not create a bottleneck.

Quad Qsv-1 Low House Air Pressure

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 29 08:27:34 EST 2008 | tbkonrad

This morning I turned on our Qsv-1 and ai resiveved the following error. "Clamp did not open: House Air pressure may be lower then 70 psi" after checking the Air Pressure it reads at 80 psi on the Main air pressure gauge as well as the 80 psi on the


Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 16:26:34 EST 2021 | ttheis

Low Air Pressure: System reporting low air pressure; verified 12Vdc at pneumatic panel, manually jumpered and verified connections back to GPIO1 connector on the LOC I/O assembly. Swapped LOC IO cards then entire LOC IO chassis, with another machine.

AR/UR Coating Application

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 16:36:51 EST 2018 | dontfeedphils

For anyone looking back on this post, I ended up figuring out something that will work for my process. Jack up the atomization pressure on the guns, lower material flow, quicker-lighter coats, less time between coats, and more coats. Smooth, even f

Re: Squeegee Pressure

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 18:48:19 EST 1999 | Jon Medernach

Bill, You should wipe clean. The thin layer will dry out quickly and cause other problems. Remember squeegee down stop and squeegee pressure are seperate issues. If your downstop is to low the stencil and board will flex down, after the squeegee p

Stencil Drying

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 19:12:07 EST 2001 | billschreiber

Hello Kerry, If your stencils are going back into inventory rather than into production, expediting the drying process may not be necessary. Just place them on a rack and allow them to air dry naturally. That way you can maximize the throughput of

A few more things

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 04:34:09 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

No this message isn't about my triumphant return. It's not even about that lady I wanted to run away with to Mehico (who were you again). It's about progress and some of you might be interested, or not. 1) For DEKheads, I submit we had two of Britai

Siemens SIPLACE CF - Low vacuum on head

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 13:14:27 EST 2019 | youngbuck

Hi Steve, Have you took the star completely off the Gantry. There are the 12 hoses to the star if Segment 1 connection hose is messed up everything will be off because everything gets measure off of Seg.1. Also, you could start eleiminating the probl

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