Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 15:20:27 EDT 2001 | ksfacinelli
We have two batch systems installed from Aqueous Technologies and have been very please with there performance and reliability. One machine is utilizing a 5hp pump and generates 60psi the other is a 3hp version and is about 40psi. I think the most
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 14:09:57 EDT 2001 | aqueous
Hi Carol, Pressure requirements have changed over the past few years. In the recent past, aqueous cleaning systems relied on high flow, low pressure �flooding� techniques. 20 � 30 PSI pumped through large orifice nozzles. With ever increasing boa
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 18:57:03 EDT 2009 | davef
From "siliconfareast.com": Basic Die Cracking FA Flow 1) Failure Information/Device and Lot History Review. Understand the customer's description of the failure, i.e., the failure mode, where it was encountered, what conditions the sample was subject
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 12:49:59 EST 2010 | esoderberg
not sure what you are looking for but I do a fair amount of low pressure molding of my electronic assemblies using a loctite macromold product in a moldman 8000 machine. This machine is made by Cavist. I have 4 of these machines running 2 shifts/6 d
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 05 10:06:31 EDT 2011 | markhoch
I would look into Low Pressure Overmolding for this application. Seems like it would be a good fit and would seem to be far less costly. Check out: http://moldmanmachines.com/ I have no stake in the above company, but I have researched the process a
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 05:22:34 EDT 2012 | sarason
Try this page for the updated machine An FP-100 about 85 psi. for this model. The basic machines are near identical , just newer plastic moldings. I think I ran mine off a car inner tube and a 12V tyre pump, originally. So that would have been a
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 08:46:20 EDT 2013 | markhoch
It sounds like they are referring to Low-Pressure molding, which was designed specifically to encapsulate electronics. I have seen some products that were processed on polymide flex, and then overmolded in this process. I would start by contacting "
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 16:26:34 EST 2021 | ttheis
Low Air Pressure: System reporting low air pressure; verified 12Vdc at pneumatic panel, manually jumpered and verified connections back to GPIO1 connector on the LOC I/O assembly. Swapped LOC IO cards then entire LOC IO chassis, with another machine.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 29 10:04:50 EDT 2000 | Dave
Francois, It appears from "G's" admission in his earlier posting that his "study" was based on the evaluation of 2 pieces of equipment - one high pressure spray system and one ultrasonic system. There are other alternatives...low pressure, high volum
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 19:14:44 EDT 1999 | Mike Konrad
Very good questions Bob� Given the fact that my company is a manufacturer of batch cleaning equipment, I will speak more in general terms rather than in specific terms. There are several criteria used in the evaluation of batch aqueous cleaning sys