Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 08:31:53 EST 2019 | bane016
If I understood on that electronics, you have a bot and a top side...and problem is when is first side in oven second time...So I thought that the temperature in the lower part was lowering..and increase in the upper temperature part in your oven. th
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 11:18:20 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin
I got a 3000 that is acting crazy. After a print, the board is unclamped and the Z-axis lowers. It continues to lower until it trips the limit switch. It is suppposed to move in the Y-axis to line up with the tracks while lowering in the Z-axis.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 21:11:11 EDT 2014 | andrespena
@Alexei Shkolnik Ah, I hope this doesn't become a problem. But if it does perhaps we can redesign the whole system? Push the components with a pusher that's connected from above rather than pulled by a magnet below. Perhaps the pusher can still clim
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 12:27:12 EDT 2001 | davef
I concur with your second approach. A profile needs to be tailored to the design of the board, the components, and the solder paste. Your first approach seems to try to balance lower quality soldering with a lower process complexity.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 11:29:45 EDT 2000 | �ngelo Marques
Hello, Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee The melting point of solder PB-Free its to higher do you now the lower temperature of an PB-Free and its constitution. Its true if the solder paste have in its constitution a Bismut component the melting point its lower?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 03:19:23 EST 2004 | Erv
We have very good results with a mixture. Lower 1st and 2nd preheat is convection, 3rd lower is calrod. No upper 1st and 2nd, 3rd upper is IR. With this combination I have found no challenge that could not be turned into a good profile.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 22 07:38:08 EST 2006 | realchunks
Try lowering your blower speeds on the bottom zones. Works as well and lowering temps but easier to control than balancing your delta T from zone to zone.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 17:40:52 EDT 2009 | jlawson
Is the mechanics ok with the raising and lowering into the vapour ie no small movements that could be moving the part ? Most Vapour Machines have a lower and raise mechanisim so movemnt of parts can happen if not smooth, especially when coming out o
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 30 10:24:02 EST 2016 | jdengler
Is it the correct type of thermocouple? If it is designed for a K type and you put a J or T the reading will be lower. Also a bad connection can give a lower reading.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 14:48:54 EDT 2018 | tey422
Need help on how to fix or temporary fix to bypass the "Rear feeder bank in lower position" error for the Juki 2080 machine. Even replace with different feeder bank won't fix. Any suggestions?