Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 02:53:31 EST 2004 | galp
Chack this contact "micro Assembly technology" tel: +972-4-9592225
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 07:02:14 EST 2004 | davef
Cntinuing with the previous thread: http://www.mat-ltd.com/
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 15:31:54 EST 2004 | GP
We are looking for machine that can do the following: bonding of 0.5x0.5x0.8mm mm cramic part. - detect target surface position 1.5x0.8mm - dispance a drop of 0.8mm of epoxy adhesive on trget surface with position accuracy of +/-0.04mm. - pick the 0.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 10:51:33 EST 1999 | Scott McKee
| I would like comments from users about X-rays manufactured by Lixi Inc and Gleenbrook Technologies. Quality of product, servicing, ease of operation etc. | | We are currently looking into justification for such a product (table top) our next step
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 07:30:13 EDT 2017 | jamesbarnhart
Hey Shonen... I don't think so there is any comparison of any company with BEST Inc. BEST Inc., which is short for Business Electronic Soldering Technologies, is a professional solder training company that certifies both instructors as well as techni
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 11 13:16:43 EDT 2002 | pjc
www.stiusa.net Systems & Technology International, Inc.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 13:58:12 EDT 2008 | jdengler
Photon Dynamics INC. bought CR Technology some time back. I do not know if they still support equipment or not.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 00:50:32 EDT 2001 | procon
Greg, You may want to look into having a company that specializes in reflow optimization come to your facility and get you all set-up. Their are many companies that will come in and create the best profiles for your product with a process window tha
Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:29:34 EDT 2006 | smt_guru
Yet another example of narrow focus. "What's the best and latest machine out there, and should I use a technology that's been around for decades." Wrong approach there, Chunks! Think outside the box. My firm, Worldtronics Consultancy Services, In
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 20:01:46 EDT 1999 | Jim W
| | I would like to know if there is any good training for Hand Soldering, Component Identification, Wave Soldering, and so on. | | | | I have seen two diffenent tapes and they were short and poorly done, I would like to buy some if I knew it had so
Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.
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Phone: 973-377-6800