Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 14:00:21 EDT 2009 | kennyg
O.M.G. ! Its blue pad ! ...RE: O.M.G. ! Its blue pad !... or blue balls, assuming there are BGA's on the assembly
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 13:25:54 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf
O.M.G. ! Its blue pad !
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 20 11:43:11 EDT 2001 | genny
M.G. Chemicals "Safety Wash Cleaner Degreaser". A primarily ethanol / methyl alcohol product. Part number "405". Brushes, Kim Wipes, or cotton swabs have all been used from time to time to apply it to the PCB.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 14:30:56 EDT 2001 | Claude Couture
We use Label& adhesive remover from M.G. Chemicals, cat. no.: 836-140g. It comes in spray can. Just spray and wipe.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 16:20:01 EST 2003 | vortex
4'2'' should be enough, going any higher and your bound for large gaps between machine and conveyor. Its been awhile since I set any up but i'm sure that 4'2 will be enough but not too much. I'm sure I wrote down my exact measurments, if I come acros
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 20:42:16 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
Jorge: Nosotros tenemos una óptica 0KM embalada perteneciente a Martín. Se la dio a Bruno cuando palmó la nuestra, sin embargo el equipo nuestro tiene el otro modelo. Si querés pasala a buscar y la probás. Estoy seguro que es la solución al problema,
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:55:37 EDT 2001 | davef
saturation occurs at ppm levels. Remember, IPA is extremely flammable and its bulk use makes the plant liable to all sorts of quite repressive safety rules/regulations and so on. Ignoring these rules exposes the owner to fines and possible plant cl
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