Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 09:19:33 EST 2005 | Indy
we use SENJU M705. type3 solder paste. Has a good shelf life.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 18:53:56 EST 2005 | aswsteven
Hi Guys I am new to SMT Line Currently having a lot of paste problem, have to change every 1.5 day after use. Please advice.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 20:57:53 EST 2005 | Ooi
What u meant by change every 1.5 day ( Expose to enviroment 1.5 day) ?
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 21:02:30 EST 2005 | aswsteven
Hi I mean once I open the jar and load into the print machine, paste can use about 1.5 day and start giving a lot of problem. I want to know how long it can be use in print machine.Please advise.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 06:13:31 EST 2005 | trs
Try to get a sample of Indium and give it a try......i happen to think its the greatest stuff since sliced bread!
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 07:43:43 EST 2005 | davef
Rob The typical warming or stabilization time for solder paste is four to six hours. Check with your supplier for specific recommendations.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 21:23:57 EST 2005 | davef
Welcome. A day and a half seems like a very long time to leave paste on your stencil. We'd expect that the volitiles in the flux would have left the building in that time, making the flux less active. We start with fresh paste at the beginning of
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 06:46:12 EST 2005 | Rob
How about keeping a fridge near the line and only putting on the stencil what is needed, then topping up from the jar as & when? As soon as the paste hits the stencil flux will evapourate, and all of that time spent by people in labs developing comp
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 08:11:39 EST 2005 | rlackey
Hi Dave, Sorry, blonde moment. For our prototype line we decant the paste into a cleaned out pot, that goes under the printer hood, with the lid left on, the rest stays in the fridge until it starts to run down. If we get it wrong we definitely
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 17 04:45:43 EST 2005 | aswsteven
Hi Guys My is in line system, printer DEK 265 stencil 4 mil only have to mount 20 components but giving me problem. After a month or so on this line still having paste problem about 1.5day need to change new paste. We are using whole jar 250g but do