Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 06:05:15 EST 2001 | nop_e
Dear all I 'm looking the minimum X-Ray machine capability that is capable to inspect the solder joint of BGAs, Fine pitch BGA and CSP such as open, poor solder joint ,etc... What is the machine specification needed? Thank you for your advise.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 01:05:02 EST 2001 | jamstart
I think for x-ray, it really depend what package you are looking at. For CSP, it should be at least min 90KV, min 5 micro focus size. CSP definitely need a higher mag and resolution.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 08:42:59 EST 2001 | madreindeer
HI, I would say around 80Kv 5-8um focalspot should be OK. Check systems like CR Technology,Phoenix,FeinFocus these are nice systems. There is low cost system Glenbrook any good I do not know. Good luck, MadReindeer
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 11:05:43 EST 2001 | vbutani
You can get systems at various performance levels depending on your budget. The low cost systems are a great way to start off and then you can upgrade to a higher performance unit when you move to finer pitch components. Check out the VJ-1000LP at h
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 10:23:51 EST 2001 | gzweig
This question and other issues on x-ray inspection of BGAs are addressed in the free PDF. publication available by e-mail entitled: Rapid and Effective X-ray Inspection of BGAs using "Signature Identification" Just place "send publication" in subj
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 11:40:50 EST 2001 | caldon
Your broad question will bring many answers.You do not mention PCB type which plays a key part in the inspection specs you look for. Your question is like asking "What is the best automobile?" You will have 1,000,000 answers. Best answered this way:
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 18 04:44:44 EDT 2005 | dougs
these are two separate things, your MSA is measurement systems analysis, moving a machine won't change the way you measure your machines performance so you don't need to do MSA again. you should check machine capability once a machine is moved thoug
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 17 20:20:32 EDT 2005 | crishan
Dear Colleagues, I would like to know if there is a requirement to carry out MSA/capability studies on SMT machines when you move a line. What paramaters do you concentrate on to check. More importantly how is the MSA carried out Cheers Crishan
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 11:49:20 EDT 2007 | samir
Parallelism tends to drift: �h After preventative maintenance �h From dross buildup or other obstruction clogging either wave Parallelism should at least be studied during the process characterization stage, so that you know your machine's process
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 00:23:50 EDT 2007 | reypal
Im not sure if someone has posted this topic before. Anyway,we plan to make capability study on our wave-soldering machine but we have no experience on how to do it effectively. My question is what we should consider most among the critical parameter