Electronics Forum: machine offset (Page 1 of 26)

Quad 4C placement offset

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 08:16:53 EDT 2017 | claudea2

Hello, I have 3 Quad 4C one with Quad Align and 2 with the older lasers. All 3 machines have a placement offset issue. Every 4 or 5 boards one of the machines has a placement offset of about 10-20mills in one direction. A reset usually brings it back

Quad 4C placement offset

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 11:47:10 EDT 2017 | bobpan

Are you sure the board is clamping tightly. If it moves during a run this can happen. Before reseting the machine. Go and check your feeders. If they are off the same amount....then the machine truly has a drift in that axis...if the feeders are stil

Contact Systems cs3avx feeder offset

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 14:31:19 EDT 2009 | markgray

I am trying to figure out a strange problem on our machine. When I turn on the component verifier fuction the pick in the feeder offsets to the right 3-4mils. This is causing mispicks on 0805 and 0603 parts. When I turn off the verifier the pick is c

Contact Systems cs3avx feeder offset

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 21:31:55 EDT 2009 | dougt

I haven't worked on that machine in a while but here's a couple things to check. I'm pretty sure the verifier "feeders" have to be in the first feederslot on each side, make sure they are there. I think offsets for the verifier "feeder" are automat

How much capacitor offset is acceptable?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 16:43:22 EST 2006 | darby

Boomerang, You said you are new to this so, First question. Are the components placed correctly with no offset pre-reflow? If the answer is yes then it's happening in the oven. Most likely cause is pcb design. If the answer is no then you have a pla

Question: q offset on pick and place machine?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 04:12:06 EDT 2019 | directx995

Hello everyone, Here is the question: What is the maximum q offset which can be corrected on polarized component? This question is refereed to Machine/Process Management segment of PCBA. I rly don't get this question, can any1 help? Where should

Juki / Zevatech 740 vision (VCS) offset calibration

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 06:45:31 EDT 2020 | aswa1111

Hey everyone, I hope all of you doing well this time of the year. We have an old Juki / Zevatech 740 pick and place machine and we got a problem with the vision alignment, every placement is off by 2mils. How can you run an offset calibration on t

DEK Screen printer calibration - print offset issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 10:02:03 EDT 2017 | Bestglobal SMT

We have a 2008 DEK horizon 03i this machine has been a very reliable system. we are having an issue with the print being offset in the x .2mm I have run 4 different boards - same issue on all. same offset. i can print the board 10 times over and

Juki 750L machine software

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 10 10:25:37 EDT 2015 | menvox

Hello, I have a Juki 750L with a damaged hard disk. I need the machine software. If somebody have it, or a mirror copy of the hard disk.. Did somebody know where is located the offsets and setings of the machines? On the hard disk or on the computer

Smt 'pick and place' machine issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 01:09:17 EST 2006 | Guess

I would suggest checking the feeder, MVF and MSR are both turret type and dont have the capability auto pik adjust in y. Y offset pick up would lead to : 1. Over turn component. 2. Missing component. Turret sequence is pick, recognize an

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