Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 08:16:53 EDT 2017 | claudea2
Hello, I have 3 Quad 4C one with Quad Align and 2 with the older lasers. All 3 machines have a placement offset issue. Every 4 or 5 boards one of the machines has a placement offset of about 10-20mills in one direction. A reset usually brings it back
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 11:47:10 EDT 2017 | bobpan
Are you sure the board is clamping tightly. If it moves during a run this can happen. Before reseting the machine. Go and check your feeders. If they are off the same amount....then the machine truly has a drift in that axis...if the feeders are stil
Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 14:31:19 EDT 2009 | markgray
I am trying to figure out a strange problem on our machine. When I turn on the component verifier fuction the pick in the feeder offsets to the right 3-4mils. This is causing mispicks on 0805 and 0603 parts. When I turn off the verifier the pick is c
Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 21:31:55 EDT 2009 | dougt
I haven't worked on that machine in a while but here's a couple things to check. I'm pretty sure the verifier "feeders" have to be in the first feederslot on each side, make sure they are there. I think offsets for the verifier "feeder" are automat
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 16:43:22 EST 2006 | darby
Boomerang, You said you are new to this so, First question. Are the components placed correctly with no offset pre-reflow? If the answer is yes then it's happening in the oven. Most likely cause is pcb design. If the answer is no then you have a pla
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 04:12:06 EDT 2019 | directx995
Hello everyone, Here is the question: What is the maximum q offset which can be corrected on polarized component? This question is refereed to Machine/Process Management segment of PCBA. I rly don't get this question, can any1 help? Where should
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 06:45:31 EDT 2020 | aswa1111
Hey everyone, I hope all of you doing well this time of the year. We have an old Juki / Zevatech 740 pick and place machine and we got a problem with the vision alignment, every placement is off by 2mils. How can you run an offset calibration on t
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 10:02:03 EDT 2017 | Bestglobal SMT
We have a 2008 DEK horizon 03i this machine has been a very reliable system. we are having an issue with the print being offset in the x .2mm I have run 4 different boards - same issue on all. same offset. i can print the board 10 times over and
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 10 10:25:37 EDT 2015 | menvox
Hello, I have a Juki 750L with a damaged hard disk. I need the machine software. If somebody have it, or a mirror copy of the hard disk.. Did somebody know where is located the offsets and setings of the machines? On the hard disk or on the computer
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 01:09:17 EST 2006 | Guess
I would suggest checking the feeder, MVF and MSR are both turret type and dont have the capability auto pik adjust in y. Y offset pick up would lead to : 1. Over turn component. 2. Missing component. Turret sequence is pick, recognize an