Electronics Forum: machine pcb repair training tips (Page 1 of 3)

LGA component rework process on SRT machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 11:54:22 EDT 2021 | cbart

We do this quote often with our older Summit machine. there are a few ways to do this. all of these are assuming you have parts on the boards already and are working around them. 1- if you have a good tech that can add solder to the pads on the PCB a

LGA component rework process on SRT machine

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 05 13:38:22 EDT 2021 | ppcbs

For Linear Tech LGA's we solder bump the LGA using a .30mm solder ball then reflow with a tacky flux. This will provide a void free solder joint and adds a little height to the solder joint in case you use a flux that you want to clean from under th

Electronic Components Distributors

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 07 04:00:12 EST 2017 | soldertraining

Electronic components distributor offering semiconductors, interconnects, electro-mechanical, power supplies, PCB Repair, BGA rework and measurement equipment. In order to select the electronic distributor we must remain updated with Technology news

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 15:28:25 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

I'm posting a diary of the major repair experience that we had this weekend. I'll follow up with a shorter post that sort of summarizes a few things. ------------------------------------------------ The service guys showed up at our facility about

BGA rework equipment - suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 11:45:17 EST 2015 | ppcbs

Check out The PCB 112 fully automated split vision system starting at $21,500.00. http://www.pcb-repair.com/bga_rework_machines.htm These machines come with US warranty, training and technical support. Make sure that the machine you buy has techni

MYDATA Training

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 15:26:09 EDT 2002 | John Patricelli

I've attended the Advanced Programming Course and the Maintenance Course at their Rowley, MA site. I also talked to the trainer, Toby Upham, about some of the other training courses they provide. It sounds like the New User Training course covers m

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 12:31:03 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

Have you tried running it in step mode? Yes, and more. The installer asked me to run a few tests: 1> Intentionally make the machine miss insert a part then put a part in manually to see how the leads align to the cutter head. 2> Push the re

Re: Micropax Connector Repair (Through Hole Version)

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 13:25:09 EDT 1999 | ScottM

| | | | Ladies and Gentlemen, | | | | | | | | As a newly appointed DFM/CE "guru" here, one of my responsibilities has become repair (of course). As I have some knowledge of BGA repair/rework using semi-automated equipment, it naturally follows I wou

Re: Micropax Connector Repair (Through Hole Version)

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 10:00:45 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | Ladies and Gentlemen, | | | | As a newly appointed DFM/CE "guru" here, one of my responsibilities has become repair (of course). As I have some knowledge of BGA repair/rework using semi-automated equipment, it naturally follows I would hav treme

Re: Micropax Connector Repair (Through Hole Version)

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 13:00:08 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Ladies and Gentlemen, | | | | | | As a newly appointed DFM/CE "guru" here, one of my responsibilities has become repair (of course). As I have some knowledge of BGA repair/rework using semi-automated equipment, it naturally follows I would hav

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