Electronics Forum | Fri May 02 09:35:20 EDT 2008 | toddl
Hi everyone, I am looking for positive and negative feedback on the use of the paste dispensing system on MPM screen printers. We currently have four machines with this capability that we do not use. Our printer operators insist that the dispensing s
Electronics Forum | Fri May 02 10:02:06 EDT 2008 | mmjm_1099
I have used the MPM dispensers and had no past issues with this.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 11:59:12 EDT 2008 | vms
todd the best answer is this" don't use the dispenser it will waste to much solder paste" Harry
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 09:28:50 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
I agree with Fastek. Auto dispense is for high volume. We have 5 printers with this option and never use it. PS: Harry...why don't you post on the site ? Is there a conspiracy ?
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 10:46:13 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
Harry...I totally understand what you mean. Was just curious.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 09 20:17:58 EDT 2008 | fastek
Seems that if you are worried about the paste staying in the machine for too long then you are not the type of user "auto paste" was designed for..........and you will see zero benefits from it. This feature was designed to try to squeeze another f
Electronics Forum | Fri May 09 14:56:37 EDT 2008 | markhoch
The paste dispensers work well as long as the humidity in your shop is properly controlled. If it gets too humid, and the paste gets "soupy", then it will take less air pressure to dispense it onto the stencil. Paste dispensers use a controlled, pre-
Electronics Forum | Fri May 09 15:16:42 EDT 2008 | toddl
I thank everyone for their input, I have ordered a few missing parts and will try the auto dispense feature. I believe our production floor humidity is properly controlled so hopefully no problems in that area. I do have concerns with the dispenser s
Electronics Forum | Sun May 04 19:50:49 EDT 2008 | vms
todd we can give you info on the dispensers. worked for mpm and know them quite well. call 740-403-9406 if you wish, we don't post on the site. Harry
Electronics Forum | Tue May 20 11:57:06 EDT 2008 | toddl
Thank you all for your input, I knew this would be a feature that could cost us money in the long run and your responses confirmed it. I believe we will still try the autopaste to prove/disprove the usfullness of the feature. Regards.