Electronics Forum: magazines feeders inserts (Page 1 of 17)

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 12:29:54 EDT 2006 | CL

JMills, The white clip that I refer to is for the Agilis feeder system. The actual clips (feeders) are color coded. As far as the timing on the TM8's, I received a proceedure from Mydata several years ago but had reverted to submitting the feeder ba

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 13:11:39 EDT 2006 | fredericksr

The recommended feeder for 0402s and especially 0201s is the green feeder with a 3.7mm spec. We use greens for 0402/0201, white for 0603, yellow for 0805s, and reds for tantalums. They work well, but sometimes you seem to get difficult tape. I hav

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 09:46:29 EDT 2006 | jem

My company also uses the TM8C (all feeders) with the same problem as Paul. The 0402's do exactly the same as he desribes.The SMT operators are correcting the placement data all the time when using 0402 but to no avail. Chris What do you mean by the

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 17:37:27 EDT 2006 | pms

Travis, Thanks, but there is no adjustments (software or hardware) for tape advancement on the TM8FC magazines. Got a hold of the feeder documents from Mydata that Sr.Tech was talking about. I'll try there suggestions. Thanks

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 10:55:34 EDT 2006 | cyber_wolf

Do you have a login for the support section on the Mydata website ? If not, get one. Click on MYtech, then click the article named: "Simple feeder care reduces reject rate! The component separator spring" We run alot of 0402's on the TM8FC mags wit

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 15:32:16 EDT 2006 | pms

We have recently started building assemblies containing 0402 components (argggg!!). Were using the TM8FC magazines and are seeing alot of miss-picks on the 0402 components. When the feeder advances the part, the part can; jump out of the tape, or tur

Faducials on feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 08:26:28 EDT 2002 | cyber_wolf

Mydata uses fiducials on their feeders. I am not sure whether or not your are familiar with Mydata feeders, but its pretty basic. The feeders are actually magazines made up of multiple individual feeders. Example: There are 16 8mm feeders in (one)8mm

Fiducials on feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 15:05:53 EDT 2002 | gencinas

What about Fuji machines? (CP4's, CP6's). Are they capable of using this system or just machines with magazines? Thanks.

Mydata feeders not compatible

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 23:32:50 EST 2013 | padawanlinuxero

Hello ! I don't know if this helps but here goes, I have here 2 mydatas one a TP9-4 and the other MY12, on the TP9-4 we have TPSys 2.4 and we use a AM8 feeder magazine, when we bought the MY12 it came with TPSys 2.1, thinking we can use the AM8 feede

Sticky Pressure sealed tape used with Mycronics Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 27 15:14:53 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

This happens with either old tape, the cover tape doesn't stay sealed on the left side, or is the seal is too far to the right, the knife lifts the cover tape. There isn't much you can do in this case. Your choices are: switch the component into an A

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