Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 05:14:38 EDT 2013 | anilw2006
We had a solder joint problem in gold plated PLCC68 ic. We do double sided reflow process with Cookson OL107F paste. First we do top with paste and second with glue process.The solder joint shape and wetting looked normal.In the process of testing
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 06:45:10 EDT 2000 | kim ji tae
Hi! Thanks all who upgrade these pages. I have some questions. Is there any answer? I do double-sided reflow solderig, with 0.4% AG solder cream. with AU finished pcb. First I do reflow solder bottom side where 0.5pitch TQFP locates. Second I do re
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 15:45:21 EDT 2005 | stepheniii
What about things like tweezers, vaccuum pens, and hand held optical tools? I mean jewelers loupes and magnifing glasses. You might want to carry two classes. Economy models at low cost and higher end more expensive ones. Stephen
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 09:42:57 EDT 2001 | caldon
I have seen the DAZO_ (Dazor) Scopes, they are nice tools. Caldon W. Driscoll ACI USA 610-362-1200 cdriscoll@aciusa.org
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 10:49:05 EDT 2004 | pjc
Yes, using an illuminated magnifing glass helps. How well your board fixuring is on the table will effect print alignment on other boards loaded. 0.5mm & 0.4mm will require very good fixuring, like you can get with tooling pins if the board has non-p
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 11:23:32 EDT 2009 | isd_jwendell
I know nothing about Xbox specific rework, but have a lot of experience with PCB repairs. "...maybe think its a bad idea now not knowing what im doing" Don't get discouraged, it's a learning process. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 19:49:16 EDT 2000 | Darby
I presume you have no vision alignment. Buy yourself a little monocular measuring microscope ( about $100 ). You are not going to get the registration you require between stencil and pcb for each print if you are running off tooling pins , edge clamp
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 04:54:53 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer
| | DOES ANY ONE KNOW HOW I CAN STRAIGHTEN | | BENT PINS ON A FINE PITCH QFP WITH OUT DAMAGING | | THE CHIP. AT $300 A CHIP I CAN'T SCRAP THEM. | | | I use tweezers and picks. I place the component down on it's backside (legs up) and manually twe
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 12:36:57 EDT 1999 | Scott McKee
| | | DOES ANY ONE KNOW HOW I CAN STRAIGHTEN | | | BENT PINS ON A FINE PITCH QFP WITH OUT DAMAGING | | | THE CHIP. AT $300 A CHIP I CAN'T SCRAP THEM. | | | | | I use tweezers and picks. I place the component down on it's backside (legs up) and ma
Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 08:30:04 EDT 2005 | FFagundes
I think I have everyone beat. I work for a small Contract Manufacturer, and we are trying to grow our business. We generally have two or 3 different jobs running at the same time and up to 10 different jobs running in a day. So we needed to find a
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