Electronics Forum: magnifier lamp (Page 1 of 1)

Inspection magnifier

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 15:07:11 EDT 2004 | waveroom

Good question, we are a distributor and have offered lots of different magnifiers. We finally decided to stick with only one brand. It's not the least expensive but the quality and warranty are superior to any other. That would be OC White. I replac

Starting SMT home company.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 09:40:08 EDT 2007 | tammyanne

I'm starting a surface mount company. Can anyone suggest good start up equipment? Temp controlled solder iron, microscope/ magnifying lamp. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

Factory Lighting - specs and measurement ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 10:53:15 EDT 2002 | genny

350 candlepower is fairly low for high detail work. I spent some time in the construction industry laying out electrical blueprints for schools, and such. It was desirable to have more in the order of 700 fc for the desk surface that kids would wor

Re: Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 07:46:03 EDT 2000 | Donnie

Neil, We currently use only visual inspection with a magnified lamp and actually brush the board after the wave process to help knock off any solder balls. You wanna use an ESD sensitive brush material. Camel hair is what we use. It works real wel


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