Electronics Forum: main board for xp printer (Page 1 of 1)

Accuracy Requirements for New Technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 16:26:36 EDT 2005 | Grant

Hi, It seems weird that an automated pick and place machine at a board shop would not be up to NASA standards, but placing the components by hand would be. However most SMT will self center a bit, so if your close enough, you should be ok. You rea

PCB for Samsung Stencil Printer SP450

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 06 16:18:23 EDT 2019 | peacheas

Hi, i am looking for Multi scan vision board IM02 to the stencil printer like on foto. Our camera in printer has stopped working. And now we just looking for this "main" board for camera. Does anybody know about some stock where i can buy

what is the max print speed? thanks for your help

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 17 12:58:12 EST 2007 | mika

I agree with previous postings regarding print speed: Solder paste type/versus fine pitch. Question: Is this a double sided pcb with fairly easy component packages on both sides? In such case, consider make the panel like this: Every second pcb in

i want to know what i need to made a manufacturing line for smt

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 16:23:38 EDT 2007 | grantp

Hi, If your doing a line, then your going to need more than the simple prototyping machines listed above in this thread. (Although they are cool ideas, and loved the toaster oven modification guy, and the other guy soldering ic's with it too!) We a


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