Electronics Forum: manncorp vs mydata (Page 1 of 16)

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 11:50:51 EST 2007 | chrisruizuci

Smallest is 0603 and some 0402 High Mix PCB�s Low Volume

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | cyber_wolf |

Mon Nov 19 13:35:30 EST 2007

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 08:56:32 EST 2007 | chrisruizuci

im looking to buy a pick and place machine and right now the two that have caught my eye are the Philips Topaz and the Mydata TP9. just tring to figure out which is better?

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 09:18:25 EST 2007 | davef

Steve: In comparing TP9 with Topaz, what consideration did you give to tear-down / set-up time?

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 18 15:04:05 EST 2007 | slthomas

It was apparent to me that because he was looking at a Topaz, not a Topaz X, and a TP, not a My9, that he's looking at older used machines. Is there a used Sony in a similar price range to the other two that will outperform them?

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 13:35:25 EST 2007 | cyber_wolf

Be aware that there is a significant difference between TP9 2U's and TP9 UFP's.

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 12:37:37 EST 2007 | gregp

I have some alternatives that match up well spec wise with these two models. They are factory refurbished machines priced for quick sale. Contact me if you would like more info. Greg

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 11:56:22 EST 2007 | slthomas

"Better" means different things to different users. When we decided to upgrade I thought about a TP9 too but frankly it couldn't do much more than the Quads we already had. It just did it with a bigger footprint. We got a Topaz because we needed hi

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 11:40:44 EST 2007 | wayne123

I have very accurately placed 0402's and 0603's with a topaz, I am very happy with the Topaz, and people that aren't happy with them simply do not know how to use them properly. These machines are capable of alot, I am sure you can find something bet

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 16:10:50 EST 2007 | slthomas

Whatever you decide to do, make sure the machine you get meets your requirements for capability as well as cost. We've now got three machines referenced, all with vastly different capabilities, some of which you may have to sacrifice to get the oth

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