Electronics Forum: manual operation electra wave soldering (Page 1 of 4)

Board wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon May 19 10:35:58 EDT 2008 | samir

I agree with RealChunks. The application of any of these "wave solder process control tools" is dependant on how the shop is run. At some shops, PM is inconsistent and slacked off on. At other shops, there is no technical expertise at the operator

CR2032 coin battery soldering through wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 17 09:31:21 EDT 2014 | rgduval

To be honest, I have never had success wave soldering or reflow soldering batteries, regardless of their intended use. If you're going to continue a manual operation to solder one pin, I'd suggest that you just solder the entire component in by ha

Electrovert Electra Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 09:42:56 EDT 2003 | rmurtuza

How can I acquire an operating manual for the Electrovert Electra Wave Solder Machine

Hand soldering rework fluxes

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 16:32:58 EST 1999 | Dave Jurena

Hi all, I thought I'd use this forum to ask a couple general questions on fluxes for manual operations: First - Is it OK to use a wave soldering type flux (specifically OA)? Thinking about activation temperatures and the ramp rate of the wave solder

Re: Problems with wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 19:34:51 EST 1998 | Mike Demos

Charles: Here are a few possibilities you might want to check: 1) Conveyor width -- if the conveyor is too tight this will cause the boards to buckle as they go through the preheat section. We recently had this happen when we changed operators. 2

Wave soldering profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 10:21:37 EDT 2004 | solderpro

having a bad morning there Gregory.... take it easy, where you from? who's company? Do you rep this firm or is this yours? I surely did not mean to disrepect your input, but I am sure there are things you need to learn that are not in the operators m

Pre heat temperature in Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 11:39:33 EST 2003 | davef

Sounds like your preheat temperature controllers are out of adjustment. Check your operating manual for instructions.

Re: Hand soldering rework fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 10:52:27 EST 1999 | John

| Hi all, | | I thought I'd use this forum to ask a couple general questions on fluxes for manual operations: | First - Is it OK to use a wave soldering type flux (specifically OA)? Thinking about activation temperatures and the ramp rate of the wav

Re: Hand soldering rework fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 03:30:10 EST 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

| Hi all, | | I thought I'd use this forum to ask a couple general questions on fluxes for manual operations: | First - Is it OK to use a wave soldering type flux (specifically OA)? Thinking about activation temperatures and the ramp rate of the wav

Pre heat temperature in Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 03:26:17 EST 2003 | Kev

Hi Lads, Thanks for all of the replies. To answer a few of your questions..... My wave is a Hollis PT500N. It has 3 zones of pre-heater rod elements. Each individual element (601195-01) is 500 watts. There are 16 elements per zone so 8 Kw per zone.

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