Electronics Forum: manual screen print (Page 1 of 121)

manual stencil print 2 passes

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 23 17:34:07 EST 2008 | davef

We hear you talking two main issues: 1 Solder paste release 2 Thoughts on using two passes of solder paste on the stencil 1 Solder paste release * Check your aperture & aspect ratios [Search the fine SMTnet Archives for more] * Do a better job with

manual stencil print 2 passes

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 12:14:15 EST 2008 | pcbbuilders

we sometimes have problems with solder paste release. we use a manual stencil printer. does anyone have any thoughts on using two passes of solder paste on the stencil? i have found that running the second pass gives me better deposits on the fine pi

manual stencil print 2 passes

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 23 15:06:25 EST 2008 | evtimov

It depends how manual is the printer. you need to control pressure and speed. If you control both by hand, it is difficult to discuss results. If the pressure is controlled by the printer, than you should be able to do it by one deposit. Also is the

manual stencil print 2 passes

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 24 20:11:43 EST 2008 | xianhua_tang

hi,brettc! Our stencil openings no more than 4mm * 4mm, you have a larger component of the pads is more than a 4*4? At the same time, with the thickness of the stencil, I would like to increase the printing speed can be improved to reduce the thickne

manual stencil print 2 passes

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 23 14:45:06 EST 2008 | comatose

One thing that helps is to divide large pads into a series of smaller pads. This prevents the scooping you're talking about.

Manual screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 07:37:12 EST 2004 | cyber_wolf

Transition automation used to build a manual screen printer called a print perfect. I believe that someone else is producing them now. Does anyone know about this ? Any info appreciated.

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 08:15:37 EDT 2004 | pjc

MPM uses a one-print-Mylar system, as do other printer mfrs. In this system there is a Mylar sheet attached to a frame that is secured over the printer table with the board on it. You print onto the Mylar. The table X-Y-theta manual adjustments are u

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 07:14:04 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd

The question is that what do you want? An automatic/semi-automatic machine or a hand-prototyping printer? Using metal-sheet or complete (framed) stencil? Manual printing: For example, Eurocircuit's eC-stencil is pretty nice or there are cheap hand-s

Universal GSM1 manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 15:59:02 EDT 2007 | mika

A quick guide... But let me tell you the essentials in the beginning/middle of next week (I will then copy "our way"). There are 3 consecutive steps of how to proceed. Maybe I can e-mail you this in a word doc, where I can put in screen shots? I don'

DEK print problem?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 14:19:36 EDT 2008 | burb1999

I have a DEK ELA and here is what happens. I print a board after going through the step and it is a dead on print. Then, with another print it will be off in Auto mode (sometimes up and sometimes down, seems to just be up and down not left to right

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