Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 06:32:42 EDT 2004 | ccall
hello, I am from india.. we actually manufacture electronic ballasts/chokes.. but till now the whole process is manual. We need to automize the process. What essential equipments would we require initially?? akbar
Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 10:54:46 EDT 1998 | Jerry
If it's really low volume I would only invest in a stencil printer and convection reflow oven to start with. If you want to go really low budget get a manual unit such at one from Transition Automation. Make up some really good shop aids and have s
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 11:08:42 EDT 1998 | Russ Miculich
| Any ideas on what to buy? Only need to build surface mount protos, ability to rework. Is a rework station okay? | Will subcontract production after design is proven. Best bet is to get an Elite or OK Industries manual printer if you are not doing
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 01 13:26:12 EST 2014 | budro
My company is considering purchasing manual SMT equipment. I don't have any experience with manual equipment. Can anyone suggest a good supplier? Also, is there a advantage using low volume automated equipment?
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 14:43:09 EST 2014 | sarason
I used to use a Festo branded Hand placement machine to rework boards. All I can say is don't waste the cash. A vacuum tweezer system and a well laid out tray stuck to the bench was at least twce as fast as the Festo. The reason is plainly obvious yo
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 05:02:27 EST 2014 | sarason
When I was a younger man with a younger mans eyes it was easy to outplace a hand placement machine. Good hand eye co-ordination is all that is required now I would find it easier to use the machine , but my fine motor skills are still just as good. A
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 10:46:42 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice
I have no idea what your Festo looked like. But the ability to move a component freely in xyz and rotate it is what you get from a typical manual placement station. You don't get that with tweezers or vacuum pickup pens. I've seen people make all so
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 21:30:31 EST 2005 | davef
Primary methods used to test assembled circuit boards are: * Automated test equipment [ATE] * Manual bench-top functional test equipment Assembled printed circuit board ATE market segments are: * In-circuit ATE * Functional ATE * Boundary Scan AT
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 03 03:56:47 EST 2005 | hamidrezamaddah
Primary methods used to test circuit boards > are: * Automated test equipment [ATE] * Manual > bench-top functional test equipment > > Printed > circuit board ATE market segments are: * > In-circuit ATE * Functional ATE * Boundary > Scan ATE
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 06:04:10 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice
Manual placement aids are often very similar, I would suggest it is quite difficult to tell them all apart. Most of them include some kind of carousel for bins of loose parts and have the option of a few tape "feeders". If you are building small volu
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