Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 20:28:35 EDT 2009 | davef
From our notes, the following is a series of snips from: "Copper Dissolution in Tin" LJ Turbini, PhD, adjunct faculty member, University of Toronto, Materials Science and Engineering, SMT 2/07 As the solder becomes molten, copper from the board diff
Electronics Forum | Fri May 08 20:13:35 EDT 2020 | gregoireg
This is a similar question to https://smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?Thread_ID=22578 but I didn't want to steal their thread. In the recent COVID-19 events, I guess that some US companies are going to think to relocate their PCBA work from Asia / China
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 11:29:31 EDT 2020 | stephendo
Don't automatically rule out The US and Canada. Actually do the math of full cost of assembly analysis. I'm in Toronto. Last December we did a big job for a California company that was having work done in China. I think they needed something done f
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 22:35:26 EDT 2020 | daisy_mu
Hello I am working in a PCB assembly company, we are located in Guanajuato, Mexico. We have an SMT line and assembly. We are Katolec de Guanajuato, you can see the information at https://www.katolec.com/ or you can send an email to marcelo-higa@kato
Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 17:53:36 EDT 2020 | dwl
My advice for mexico is stay away from the border towns due to cartel violence. Cities like Monterrey, Guadalajara or Queretero are much safer and have large established electronics manufacturing bases. Most of the Major EMS providers have locations
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 21:06:00 EST 2001 | davef
This is a great time for you to develop contacts with technical support staff at your equipment manufacturers [assuming you company buys maintenance contracts].
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 03:33:17 EDT 2012 | ilanhovan
Hi there, is there any SME in cleaning process for PCBA can help me out on the problem i have. More boards manufactured from this supplier failing at our system test. And currently we're in line down situation. Please help Thank you Ilanhovan
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 22:16:03 EDT 2012 | ilanhovan
Hi, my supplier is using the same Aqueous machine to clean the boards for 2 different customers. My product uses the chemistry of leaded clean flux meanwhile the other product uses the chemistry of lead free with no clean flux, however that product r
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 12:56:50 EDT 2000 | ptvianc
That is a tough question. I think that an important point must be made, and that is that the electronics assembly business is just that, a business. And, electronics asssembly companies are in business to make a profit. The profit, or "bottom line
Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 07:28:21 EDT 2015 | sarason
That is very dependent on what components are needed for your boards. In general if you are running high volumes you talk directly to the manufacturers. If they think your 10,000 boards ain't worth getting out of bed for, they will refer you to thei