Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 09 08:59:25 EST 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, I had experience with Marantz M22XDL 460, also I had a lot of issues with this machine. I�m afraid I can�t remember MAC OS version. BR, Pavel
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 17 14:44:26 EST 2006 | dismon
Hi all, I'm going to purchase a new AOI machine, and I would like somebody to tell me his opinion about them. I have three to choose: Omron, YESTech YTV1000 and Marantz M22XDL 460. All of them are desktop. Anybody could tell me about them? Which
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 02:36:24 EDT 2006 | raffo
Hi! Pavel,are you in Russia? Since 1994 Marantz sold more than 3300 machines wourldwide. How was it possible if the machine is so bad??? I am wondering how is possible that you know and that you work on the the Marantz AOI model M22XDL 460 in Russ
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