Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 13:00:07 EST 2019 | slthomas
Excessive mask thickness also can wreak havoc on stencil printing.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 16:46:44 EST 2000 | Dennis O'Donnell
Several methods work well. 1. (Low Volume Method) Using an Xacto blade, scrape off the solder mask holding the blade flush being careful not to use the pointed part of the blade. 2. (High Volume Method)Tape off the area that you don't want the mas
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 14 17:39:37 EDT 1999 | Gerry S.
One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with the
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 14:03:01 EDT 2022 | emeto
Would advice to mask only for trial. Cut the proper stencils is the solution.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 11:23:27 EDT 2022 | dontfeedphils
I typically use kapton tape when I need to mask off some apertures.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 04:40:57 EDT 2022 | 1_manuel
Hi there, thank you all for the advice. I will look into that! :)
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 06:13:26 EDT 2022 | 1_manuel
Hi there, I'm pretty new to the SMT manufacturing stuff, please be kind. I have to mask up some parts of a stencil. Is there a recommendation for some masking tape I could use? It should be sticky enough for temporary use but not that sticky that i
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 13:51:07 EST 1999 | Parvez PAtel
Steve i agree with u. we use kapton tapes for test puproses at our facility and they do not interfere with the printing results. Infact we sometimes use it to mask off unwanted apertures on stencil underside. But could their applcation affect the gol
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 14:56:03 EDT 1999 | Dean
| One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with th
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 18:48:03 EDT 2022 | proceng1
Kapton works great, but note that Kapton is about 2.5 mils thick, so if you are placing it near other apertures, you are essentially adding to the thickness of your stencil. I've also used some Kapton near parts that need a bit more paste, like co