Electronics Forum: material and he (Page 1 of 44)

Recommended TG material for CCBGA , CBGA and PBGA's

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 01 08:17:40 EST 2003 | davef

You're correct that the FR4 is probably the best choise. The majority of the problems in developing your reflow recipe is going to come from the CTE mismatches in the CCBGA , CBGA and PBGA that you put on the board. The other side says given the pr

PCB material Nelco13 and FR4

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 23:57:42 EDT 2004 | George

Could anyone tell me the difference in PCB material Nelco13 and FR4? PCB dielectric material Nelco13 is quite new for me and I knew nothing about it. For imcoming quality control (IQC), I am asked to identify PCB made of FR4 and Nelco13. How to do th

PCB material Nelco13 and FR4

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 01:44:02 EDT 2004 | George

Thanks a lot !

PCB material Nelco13 and FR4

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 07:13:40 EDT 2004 | davef

Nelco was developed by Park [ http://www.parknelco.com/parknelco/highspeed.htm ] Without fairly involved testing, you may be forced to rely on a c of c from your fabricator. Although, Park may be able to give you a lead.

Compressor air line material

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 11:45:52 EDT 2007 | Frank

I certainly wasn't endorsing the use of the PVC piping that was installed prior to my employment there. Also, I recall that all the piping was above the ceiling tiles and regular air line hose was dropped along with the power cables. So there was l

Compressor air line material

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 24 12:45:51 EDT 2007 | Frank

I never thought about painting our copper piping. I always thought the patina that covers the pipes adds a bit of history and class, ya know an antique-feel, to the shop. I was in a shop years ago that used PVC piping for their air. From looking a

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 22:06:06 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

I encounter the problem, it is easy for pad(copper) to drop off from the PCB, which is Ni/Au finish. so my question is whether there is any specification about the force between pad and laminate material, and does the PCB corpoartion test this parame

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 20:04:03 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

Thank you very much!

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 04:49:34 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

according to the ressult of cross-section and removing the component, I find there is no black area in the left pad, and the IMC is also normal, so the black nickle is less impossible. the PCB material is not common FR4, just some thing like ceramic,

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 13:45:29 EDT 2002 | genny

When the pad comes off, is it leaving behind a "black" area? Your board may be suffering from black pad - a condition that occasionally affects ENIG finish boards. It is a process control issue with your board fabricator. The nickel is oxidising b

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