Electronics Forum: material for sn100c solder pot (Page 1 of 1)

Steps to Convert SAC305 Wave Solder Pot to SN100C

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 22:15:53 EST 2008 | fctassembly

Bob The actual process for converting from SAC305 to SN100C is pretty painless. Basic steps: 1) make sure your solder pot is at temp 2) de-dross 3) pull pumps/flow duct(s) and clean 4) purge pot of SAC material 5) remove any remaining dross/alloy i

Solder Mask for Wave Rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 20:41:39 EDT 2020 | SMTA-Samy

We use Wondermask 2211 and we haven't had issues with the material creating gunk in the pot. You might want to call TechSpray and consult with a product specialist who can better advise you on what's best for your application. Rob mentioned the wave

Sn100C - anyone use this at Reflow?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 13:26:16 EDT 2009 | rgduval

We're using Sn100C at wave. Well, to be fair, in a static solder pot; as we don't have a lead-free wave machine in operation at the moment. We've had generally good experiences with the SN100. Good soldering; some blow holes, but, since we're usin

Re: Oven Temperature for Solder Reflow

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 08 20:59:55 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper

| | | What oven temperature should be used to reflow solder (Sn63Pb37) on a PC board (0.075" to 0.100" thickness) in 5 to 10 minutes? | | | | Profiling - tedious but important. As said, start with the paste manufacturers recomendation which is usua

Re: Oven Temperature for Solder Reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 11:33:55 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | What oven temperature should be used to reflow solder (Sn63Pb37) on a PC board (0.075" to 0.100" thickness) in 5 to 10 minutes? | | Profiling - tedious but important. As said, start with the paste manufacturers recomendation which is usually pu

RoHS PCB Questions

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 17:40:38 EST 2007 | bbarton

No, the thicker plating and need for very high quality drilling and plating is DUE to the higher copper dissolution rate and higher contact time. As to the Sn100C material, their claims seem to confirm a "lower" copper dissolution rate, but so does A

Problems with SN100C in a Soltec Delta C Wave

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 10 00:43:34 EDT 2006 | mika

Dont't bother to answer real idiots! I can relate to a similar problem. We also use SN100C alloy and the solder pot get(got?) contaminated with the alloys from the SAC305! How can this be? Strange thing happens during the soldering process, and it o

Leadfree dip soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 03:22:38 EDT 2005 | Hannu

I do not mean big, heavy transformers but rather small ferrite core transformers, with ferrites in the range of EF16 .. EF40. The weight of the lead and its percentage of the total weight is not the issue here. We simply do not want lead-containing t

Wave soldering equipment??

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 09:51:34 EST 2004 | russ

One of the things that I have found is the "benchtop/lab" type waves (Low cost) do not perform very well except on the simplest of products, they are lacking critical design elements such as adequate preheat length, laminar flow nozzle design, etc.

Kester 985M - Will It Help?

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 23 12:39:18 EST 2013 | joeherz

We installed a Soltec Delta 3 a few months ago and have been trying to run with a VOC free no clean. We're using SN100C in the pot. We are spraying the material and have top/bottom preheat. Evaporation of the water in the flux is a bit of a stru


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